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关于”报纸新闻的优点“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Advantages of newspaper news。以下是关于报纸新闻的优点的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages of newspaper news

The newspaper media in the past seldom have any attraction to me now. It gives us the impression that even under the present technological conditions, it also represents a kind of media in the past, not to mention some of my friends in the future, although they benefit from TV, radio and Internet, their great efforts to defend newspapers are unparalleled. One of my friends said that with the ruddy ink, Sitting at the table, lighting the lamp, drinking coffee or tea, I can't help pointing out that he is too forgetful, forgetting to complain about how to deal with piles of thick dust of assorted newspapers.

He forgot about the huge space it occupies before the exam last semester. He spent a whole day sitting on the ground, after a day's work, desperately searching for information from a pile of newspapers. Newspapers are like carpets She was lying on the floor comfortably.

I can't understand why he extolled the virtues of newspapers and left behind his disturbing experiences.




Nowadays, newspapers are of great value. Everyone should read them. They provide us with all kinds of news every day.

They tell us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading newspapers, we will (will) acquire enough knowledge to deal with our environment.




Yesterday, I read an English newspaper for the first time. When I spread it out, I didn't know where to start. The title made me confused.

The writing style of the article was very different from what we usually read. However, after looking up the left and right new words in the dictionary, I finally understood the meaning. Reading newspapers is not as easy as I thought, but it gives me a sense of achievement and stimulates my interest in learning languages.

Comic strips are the first part of this newspaper. I read some of them very interesting, some are philosophical, and some are quite political. When I tried to read other parts of the newspaper, such as editorials and local news, through this experience, I got a better and newer channel to learn English, namely, a5eaa.





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