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Simba, the son of Mufasa, king of the Kingdom and heir to the throne, is naughty and impetuous. He runs around with his best friend Nana all day long. However, his father's death once made him lose his way.

He was expelled. Peng pengpeng also lived the same life as Simba's father. The glorious king is strong, smart and brave.

He is a real leader and has the deepest understanding of the cycle of life, He ruled the temple of glory with love. He loved his family. Mufasa's brother, Simba's uncle, was ambitious.

After Mufasa was killed, he conspired with hyenas to usurp the throne. He also accused Simba of not knowing it and was ready to kill it. Therefore, it was natural to sit on the throne, but he never thought that one day Simba would live and Simba's childhood sweetheart would accompany him all day His favorite hobby is to throw Simba to the ground in a fight.

A cat weasel who claims to be smart and smart meets his kingdom of glory when he is driven out. After his "smart" mind decides to keep the lion cubs, he and Pumbaa's Bodyguard: https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/jpeg/0.




Lions are the only social wildcats. They live in a family group called "prides" and are composed of females and cubs. There are as many as three adult male lions in Africa, but there are still a small number of them in northwest India.

They prefer grassland, grassland and open woodland, but occasionally in semi desert areas. Most lions are found in Africa, but there are still a few lions in northwest India They prefer meadow steppe, prairie and open woodland habitats, but occasionally in semi desert areas, lions have yellowish brown fur, and males have thick wool manes, which turn black with age. Therefore, old male lions are sometimes called black maned lions.

The main function of male lions is to protect pride. Their manes make them appear larger in front of other male competitors If a new male joins the pride, it will kill all the cubs and mate with the females, making him the dominant male. The fathers of all the lion cubs are rather lazy animals.

The females spend up to several hours a day resting and completing most of the hunting work. They often hunt in groups during the day, preying on mammals such as antelope and zebra 。 The term "lion share" comes from the habit of males eating before other beagles breed at any time of the year, while females give birth to offspring. The pups are spotted at birth, but as they age, they are extremely vulnerable and can only survive until they are two years old.




A young lion prince was born in Africa, which made his uncle ska the second successor to the throne. Scar and hyena conspired to kill King Mufasa and Prince Simba, thus making himself king of the king. Simba was led by scar and thought it was his fault.

Therefore, after years of exile, he fled the Kingdom in shame and was convinced to go home to overthrow the usurper, And claimed that the kingdom was its own, thus completing the "life cycle".




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