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关于”描绘环境“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Depicting the environment。以下是关于描绘环境的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Depicting the environment

English club my family are very concerned about my foreign language education, they hope that I can learn English well, so that I can have a better future. In order to improve my English level, they send me to an English club. There are many people like me.

We talk in English and we share our opinions. I am very happy in the club and my English has been improved.




A traffic accident happened at the third intersection of Renmin Road last Wednesday afternoon. A drunk youth who looked like a college student didn't stop at a red light and ran into a 30-year-old woman riding a bicycle across the street. The woman fell down and was seriously injured.

The young man tried to escape, but was caught and taken away by the police The woman was taken to hospital.




After the snow covered with a white coat, my children came out to have fun in the school, we ran around in the snow, enjoy our footprints left on the snow, looked around for a while, I said we went and snowman bar entanglement, we have a broom sweep for a while, some with a dustpan to transport, a hand directly holding a pile of snow, a heavy snow on it Yes, we dug a circular concave place to roll the snowman's head with a big snowball inside. The snowman's body is complete. The next one is for facial features.

Our partners have hired cork leaves. I put the safety function aside, and then put the "nose" on the last five senses. Finally, we made a snowman with a bucket cap We use it to exchange industry and wisdom, which let us harvest happiness.




标签: 七年级 作文 万能 年级 环境

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