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关于”上课和地点“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Class and place。以下是关于上课和地点的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Class and place

Mount Fuji in Asia, Taj Mahal in Japan, Angkor Wat in India, Bali in Cambodia, Borobudur Indonesia, Sentosa in Indonesia, Babylon in Singapore, Suez Canal in Africa in Iraq, Aswan High Dam in Egypt, pyramids in Egypt, Nile in Egypt, Nairobi National Park in Egypt, Cape of good hope in Kenya, Great Barrier Reef in Oceania in Sahara desert of South Africa, Australia Sydney Opera House, Ayers Rock, Mount Cook, Notre Dame in New Zealand, Sofia mosque in Istanbul Temple of Tainong, red square of Greece in Moscow, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park, tower bridge, Westminster Abbey, Niagara Falls, Honolulu, Hawaii, Yellowstone National Park, Metropolitan Museum of art, New York City, statue of Liberty New York City, Times Square, York, white house, Washington, DC, World Trade Center, New York City, Central Park, New York City, Hollywood, California, Disneyland, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.




My bedroom my bedroom is like my own world. Every time I walk into my bedroom, my imagination begins to fly. My bedroom is a place full of peace and tranquility.

It's the place where I can concentrate on my homework. There is a big bookshelf in the corner of my bedroom. My favorite novels are on that shelf.

I like to read them in my spare time. I read books It's always quiet. There's a light in the corner of my desk.

No matter how late I work, there's an alarm clock waiting for me. The wall on my bed helps me keep track of the time so that I won't be late for school. My bedroom is like my faithful friend.

I can't imagine the universe without it.




We all like to travel. If we go to a certain place, we can choose a variety of transportation modes. For example, if we live in Beijing, we want to go to Tianjin.

The best means of transportation is bus, which means that we can go there by bus because it is very close to Beijing. If we go to the United States, we can go to the United States by plane because it is far from Beijing Most of the Chinese people who live in big cities go to work by bus. Some people go to work by car.

Others live in small cities. The way we choose depends on where we live.




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