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关于”有关介绍丝绸之路“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Introduction to the Silk Road。以下是关于有关介绍丝绸之路的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to the Silk Road

The silk road is the most famous trade route in ancient Chinese civilization. It grew in the Han Dynasty. It was the first known tourist to contact with the tribes of Central Asia.

Zhang Qian was sent by the Han Dynasty to the western regions in an attempt to form an alliance to prevent the Huns from raiding the border of the dynasty. To this end, he proposed to expand the silk trade to include these smaller tribes, thus forming an alliance with the nomadic peoples of Central Asia. The Silk Road developed with the rise of the Roman Empire, because the Chinese initially gave silk to the Romanian government.

The route runs across China, Central Asia, and northern India. The Parthian and Roman Empire connect the Yellow River basin with the Mediterranean Sea, passing through the Chinese cities of Kansu and Xinjiang, as well as the present-day countries of Iran, Iraq and Syria:.





Silk Road: the silk road can be traced back to the 2nd century B.C. Zhang Qian started from Chang'an, along this trade channel connecting Asia and Europe, passing through Shaanxi, Gansu Hexi Corridor, Xinjiang, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria and other places. Its destination is on the East Bank of the Dizhong sea, more than kilometers in China, because Chinese silk along this road reaches the west, and Europe studies It is called the silk road.




The ancient trade route of the silk road connecting China and Europe was originally a caravan route, which began to be used in the C century B.C., starting from Xi'an, China, the road extends northwest along the Great Wall, climbs up the Pamirs mountains, passes through Afghanistan, and extends to the East China Sea. When goods are transported to Rome by boat, silk is transported westward, while wool, gold and silver follow Transported eastward by the fall of Rome, the route became unsafe - it was restored under the rule of the Mongols, and Marco Polo used it in the th century.




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