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关于”能源对人类的有利影响“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Beneficial effects of energy on human beings。以下是关于能源对人类的有利影响的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Beneficial effects of energy on human beings

What was awakened in the middle of the night was a long night. "Local" phone calls, I believe, many users and reporters have experienced "pain" due to the numerous spam messages, sleep harassment. Song, the winner, the sale of guns, smuggled vehicles, fake invoices, small pills, air tickets, car cosmetics, catering advertising, recruitment and marketing of rich and diverse junk messages not only seriously affected Our sleep greatly interferes with our normal life.

Some people even make money by being cheated, but at the same time, it also causes operators to complain about spam messages frequently. It seems that how harmful it is, it can also be used to denounce the source of spam messages in CCTV programs, which is full of twists and turns To solve the problem, even if it is a problem after the event, we need to think more rationally to see where the source of spam messages is, and there are good solutions to the root cause.




Robot robot robot has a lovely robot, its name is kabaddi, wearing a red helmet, wearing a red robe, wearing red boots, a dignified look, its head, hands, arms, legs, feet of all parts can move freely, like a real person, like a flexible, lovely kabada play, every time I Finish homework, I will pull its hand, pull its arm, move its legs, and then talk to it, it really listen to my words, I said it has no problem, I had a dream, I dream that Kabuki robot has become a reality, like my friends like to learn to play Kabuki can be powerful, it has a photographic memory, reading text can not miss a word I'm very worried, I think, if I can take it as a way, how much it will be in a hurry, they wake up, it's just a dream, however, I still secretly determined that I will study hard.




After long-term exposure to chemical pesticides, the nervous system and immune system will be significantly consumed. It is believed that chemical pesticides cause disease through a variety of ways, and their harmful effects are obvious. New scientific research is revealing some important negative health problems related to pesticides.

For example, a study by the National Cancer Institute shows that pesticides are a possible cause of the increase in the incidence rate of certain cancers in farmers. The risk of certain cancers in farmers is higher than that in the general population: non Hodgkin's lymphoma, cutaneous melanoma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, lip cancer, and gastric cancer. Prostate cancer and brain cancer.




标签: 英文 八年级 作文 真题 人类

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