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关于”对教育的看法的题目“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Topic of views on Education。以下是关于对教育的看法的题目的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Topic of views on Education

In addition to tiger mother's point of view, there are some differences between Chinese parents' education and Western parents' education. I think the biggest difference is that Chinese parents think their children should absolutely obey their orders, while Western parents pay attention to cultivating their children. Second, Chinese parents think that they know more about their children's needs, which is different from Western parents' hope that their children can choose their own habits and personalities Third, Chinese parents have high requirements for their children and expect their children to perform better.

On the contrary, Western parents care too much about their children's feelings and emotions. In my opinion, there is no best way to educate our children. Only in this way can we cultivate a better and smarter next generation.




I am the only child in my family. Now people have a bad impression on the only child. They think that the only child is spoiled by the parents.

So when I am not the only child, they are grumpy and rely on their parents very much. My parents are very strict with me. They never spoil me.

When I make mistakes, they will tell me the result, which is caused by my mistake, and let me know me If you do something wrong, you won't do it again. My parents pay special attention to my independence. They will ask me to do it alone.

Sometimes they only teach me how to finish it, but never give my parents an education. At first, I felt that they were unfair to me. But as I grew up, I was very grateful to them.

They helped me become a strong person.




In China, traditional parents think it is inappropriate for their children to fall in love before they go to college, because it will have a negative impact on their study, so they have been monitoring their children. In fact, with the globalization of the world and the development of the Internet, children have their own views on love. They understand the world from an early age and become mature quickly.

The traditional parents need to adjust their educational concepts. It is unreasonable to prohibit their children from falling in love with someone, because it is human nature. Foreign parents are good at dealing with children's emotional problems.

When children talk about their own emotional problems, the father Mothers never say anything negative. On the contrary, if parents deny everything all the time, they will let their children make their own decisions on the basis of positive guidance, so that children will never really talk to them. It's important for parents to educate their children to handle this relationship properly.




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