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关于”写世界奇观“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write about world wonders。以下是关于写世界奇观的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write about world wonders

As we all know, pyramids are well-known in the world. Pyramids are not only one of the wonders of the world, but also the crystallization of wisdom. Therefore, in the past few years, with more and more tourists visiting the pyramids, the global climate has become worse and worse, and the pyramids have become more and more serious.

It is of great significance to protect the pyramids. In fact, the greatest harm of pyramids is caused by nature We should reduce the emission of acid gas in order to reduce the incidence of acid rain. In addition, when we visit the pyramids, we should try not to touch the objects inside, and it is better not to stay in the pyramids for too long.




The great wall of China, with fortifications, is about km long), winding through northern China, from Gansu Province to Hebei Province, on the coast of the Yellow Sea, mainly along the southern edge of the Mongolian plain. It was built to protect China from the influence of nomadic people in the north. It is a combination of many ancient city walls.

The first unified city wall was built by the Qing Dynasty in the 3rd century BC. Workers were recruited from all over China to build it, and many of them lost their lives in the project. The existing form of the wall can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty - it was an average of feet (meters) high, with a foot meter thick bottom and a foot meter tilt, and was placed at regular intervals at the top of guard stations and watchtowers.

To the east of the Great Wall is a mound of earth, made of bricks, but in the west, it is just a mound, invading China continuously from the north, proving the existence of the Great Wall. Since the two northern sections of Beijing were rebuilt and opened to tourists, the Great Wall has little military use.





Hello, I'd like to introduce a world wonder. The Great Wall in northern China has a kilometer long ancient Great Wall. It starts from Jiayuguan in Gansu Province in the West and Shanhaiguan in Hebei Province in the East.

It is one of the eight wonders in the world. The great wall of China has become a symbol of the Chinese nation and its culture,.




标签: 高二 作文 万能 世界

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