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关于”教研“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:teaching and research。以下是关于教研的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:teaching and research

There's a hard decision to make. Why not consider German carefully? A new study shows that if people think in a language other than their mother tongue, they tend to make more reasonable and less risky decisions In a psychological science research report in April, Dr. Kaiser's team wrote that human reasoning is shaped by systematic and rational ideas, while the other is emotional and rapid.

The team brought together students from the University of California, who used Spanish as a second language to place bets on a coin toss. Each student got a dollar bill, and if they bet and won, they could bet one dollar on the front or back at a time. If they experiment in English, they can win dollars without losing anything.

Students are narrow-minded and only place bets about half of the time, but when the same students hear the instructions in Spanish, they bet% of the time on the conclusion. Then, these scientists believe that thinking in a foreign language can keep people away from hasty emotional decisions and make decisions more logical. The hope, they wrote, is that people can think in a foreign language to make more cautious decisions about financial and economic decisions.


有一个很难做出的决定为什么不仔细考虑一番德语一项新的研究表明,如果人们用母语以外的语言思考,那么他们倾向于做出更合理、风险更小的决定芝加哥大学的博阿斯·凯撒(Boaz Keysar)进行的一系列实验,让科学家们相信使用外语可以减少决策偏差,凯撒博士的研究小组在xx月份的一份心理科学研究报告中写道,人类的推理是由系统的、理性的想法塑造的,而另一种则是情绪化的、快速的。研究小组召集了加州大学的学生,他们把西班牙语作为一种语言第二语言在掷硬币上下注每个学生得到美元钞票,如果他们下注并赢了,他们可以一次在正面或反面下注1美元。如果他们用英语进行实验,他们可以赢美元而不输任何东西。



Using information technology to promote primary school mathematics narrative teaching research in information technology to promote effective teaching, narrative research education provides us with a good research ideas and methods. Taking some knowledge education in primary school mathematics teaching as an example, this paper uses research methods to record how teachers use information technology to teach in the real narrative environment The angle effectively promotes the application of information technology, effective teaching and narrative research in education.




Emory University, USA University's new study shows that being drawn to a gripping novel triggers real, measurable changes in the brain that last at least five days after reading. Reading a good book may lead to increased brain connectivity, and changes in the nervous system persist in a way similar to muscle memory, which are recorded on the left The lateral temporal cortex, an area of the brain associated with language receptivity, and the primary sensorimotor area of neurons is also involved in inducing the brain to think it's doing something it doesn't do, a phenomenon known as "basic cognition," such as thinking about running, says neuroscientist Professor Gregory burns In the hero's body, neuroscientist Professor Gregory Burns said, "we found that changes in the nervous system related to physiological behavior are related to the physiological sensory and motor systems. You wear another person's shoes.

In a metaphorical sense, you now see some biological things. The students took part in the study, and all the participants were reading the same book, "Pompeii," a Robert Harris thriller that was chosen to turn the page. The protagonist of the story was the protagonist.

Professor burns, outside Pompeii, noticed steam and strange things around the volcano. He said that the book depicts real events in a fictional and dramatic way. For us, the book has a strong narrative.

Students read part of the book in the evening and have a fMRI scan the next morning. When the book is finished, their brains are scanned for five days, and it is found that in the five days after the completion of the book, changes in the nervous system continue for five days, which proves that This effect is not only an immediate response, but also a lasting effect, maintaining this high degree of connectivity even when participants are not actually reading the novel when they are in the scanner, Professor burns added. We call it shadow activity, almost like muscle memory.


美国埃默里大学(Emory University)开展的这项新研究表明,被吸引到一本扣人心弦的小说中,会引发大脑中实际的、可测量的变化,这种变化在阅读后至少会持续五天,发现读一本好书可能会导致大脑的连通性增强,神经系统的变化也会以类似于肌肉记忆的方式持续存在这些变化记录在左侧颞叶皮层,大脑中一个与语言接受能力相关的区域,大脑神经元的初级感觉运动区也与诱使大脑认为它在做它不做的事情有关,这是一种被称为“基础认知”的现象,例如,思考跑步,神经科学家格雷戈里·伯恩斯教授说,我们已经知道,好的故事可以把你带到主人公的身体里,神经科学家格雷戈里·伯恩斯教授说,我们发现,与生理行为有关的神经系统的变化,与生理感觉和运动系统有关你穿着另一个人的鞋子,从一个比喻的意义上说,你现在看到了一些生物学上的事情。学生们参加了这项研究,所有的参与者都在读同一本书《庞贝》,这本书是罗伯特·哈里斯的惊悚小说,它被选作翻页的情节,故事的主人公是主角,伯恩斯教授在庞贝城外,注意到火山周围发生的蒸汽和奇怪的事情。他说,这本书以虚构和戏剧性的方式描绘了真实的事件,对我们来说,这本书有很强的叙述性,学生们晚上读了一部分书,第二天早上做了一次功能磁共振扫描这本书写完了,他们的大脑被扫描了五天,发现在完成后的五天里,神经系统的变化持续了五天,证明了这种影响不仅是一种即时反应,而且具有持久的影响,即使参与者在扫描仪里时并没有真正阅读小说,他们保持了这种高度的连通性,伯恩斯教授补充说,我们称之为影子活动,几乎就像肌肉记忆。


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