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With the improvement of living standards, solar energy has become a part of our life. Solar energy can bring me a lot of convenience. People can use hot water at any time, and then take a bath at any time.

The principle of solving the problem of bathing is very simple, that is, using solar panels to absorb solar energy, plus the water heater, let me get rid of the mine to bring convenience at the same time, we will also go Explore his new inventions and research.




He added that at present, no company has been able to survive without the banks stopping lending because global solar panel manufacturers, including qcells and solonin in Germany and solyndra and everyone in the United States, are going through a painful period of consolidation Several companies, such as solarin, have gone bankrupt, and analysts say the future of solar panels in China and abroad will largely depend on the actions of the Chinese government. China's policy is intended to affect the global solar market in two ways: one is to stimulate domestic demand for solar panels; the other is to adopt supportive policies to help local panel manufacturers avoid bankruptcy. Beijing has been trying to help absorb some of the solar panel overcapacity by increasing the number of solar panels installed in the country.

Most analysts now predict that China will become the world's second largest market for solar panels this year, after Germany, twice as much as China last year. China raised its solar energy installed capacity target to gigawatts in, which is twice the total installed capacity of China's solar energy in, but despite the attractive on grid tariff for solar projects last year, many of the expected demands have not been met this year due to grid constraints slowing the growth of new solar projects. As of mid October, the installed capacity of solar power generation is only behind GW - less than half of the annual forecast, which is insignificant compared with the huge global overcapacity.

Chinese developers often delay or miss payments to local panel companies, making the profit of domestic sales far lower than that of overseas sales, perhaps more important and more controversial this year Earlier, China supported domestic solar panel companies and helped them weather the storm. A list of six large and six small solar companies with preferential loans from China Development Bank has been widely circulated among industry analysts and executives, but the bank did not respond to questions about whether such a list exists.


他补充道,目前没有一家公司能够在银行停止贷款的情况下生存下来,因为全球太阳能电池板制造商正经历一段痛苦的整合期,其中包括德国的qcells和Solonin、美国的solyndra和everylone Solarin等几家公司已经破产,分析师们说,太阳能电池板的前景中国国内外的制造业都将在很大程度上取决于中国政府的行动。中国的政策准备通过两种方式影响全球太阳能市场:一种是刺激国内对太阳能电池板的需求,另一种是采取扶持政策,帮助本土面板制造商避免破产。北京一直在努力提供帮助通过增加国内太阳能电池板的安装量来吸收部分太阳能电池板产能过剩。


一份由中国国家开发银行(China Development Bank)提供优先贷款待遇的6家大型和6家小型太阳能企业的名单在行业分析师和高管中广为流传,但该行没有回应关于是否存在这样一个名单的问题。


The use of solar energy is the source of life on earth. Plants synthesize tissue materials and grow with solar energy. The earth heats up with the daily solar radiation, which makes the earth suitable for life.

Scientists have developed solar cells, which can directly convert solar energy into electric energy. In fact, solar radiation also makes the air flow, so that the wind solar radiation makes water evaporate and rain The sun's radiation from water even helps people produce vitamin D under the skin, thus keeping our bones healthy.




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