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关于”打篮球“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Play basketball。以下是关于打篮球的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Play basketball

In PE class, we had a basketball game. I jumped up to catch the ball, but when I fell to the ground, my left foot stepped on the foot of another student. My ankle sprained and I had to limp.




I was sleepy in the morning, so I didn't go running as usual. I had something for breakfast. A new day has begun.

Today's results came out, and the students were very nervous. So one of my classmates called me and invited me to play basketball in the afternoon. I like playing basketball.

Although I'm really bad at playing basketball, my parents visited the redstadt farm last Saturday. The environment there was very good. We were cleaning up the stables, and the horses were led into the stables.

Each horse was put in a cowshed with cattle and sheep Feed to feed, so lifelike, we got a lot of fun from my work, and we had a lot of fun at the rancher's prep party.





In my summer vacation, I am very happy, because I have been playing basketball, it makes me keep healthy, so I am very good to basketball, I like it very much, it is a very interesting sport, it is exercising, basketball is very popular all over the world, so there are many basketball stars, such as Kobe, James, Wade and many basketball players, most of them Fascinated, so I like playing basketball very much, and I play basketball very well, that's all, so this is my favorite sport, thank you.




标签: 高二 英文 作文 满分 篮球

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