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关于”成长的烦恼“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Growing pains。以下是关于成长的烦恼的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Growing pains

When we were young, we were eager to grow up, so that we could break free from the discipline of our parents. Even from childhood, we were far away from our parents. In school, we were subject to the teacher's discipline, and at home we endured the nagging of our parents.

These are the troubles of our growth. Learning, friendship, sometimes campus love will also trouble us. But as we grow up, we gradually find that What comes is not pain at all.

There are more serious things, such as brothers. We may not be sensitive to simple happiness and gradually lose it. We are hard to laugh from the heart.

We are in an era of longing for growth but afraid of growth. However, no matter what happens to us as we grow up, they are all part of our lives, and we must accept them positively, and do not let pain hinder our happiness.




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