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关于”我有一个特殊的寒假“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:I have a special winter vacation。以下是关于我有一个特殊的寒假的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I have a special winter vacation

Today is my father's birthday. It's an important day for me, so I want to give him a surprise. My father always gives me what I want because he is very busy and actually wants to do something for me.

He is a great father to me. I told my mother that I wanted to cook a dish for my father, and she was happy to teach me. So after school, I rushed to the kitchen, where my mother was When my father came home, I was very confident.

He was very happy and praised me a lot. He said it was the biggest gift.




2:,(it's a special day for us) today is really special for us. Do you eat moon cakes with your family? I hope it's time to be with your family on this special night. Mom is having a big meal.

We can eat moon cakes, fruits, beef and so on. I'm very excited that my father is waiting for my mother. He will come home from work early today, and then we will have dinner together.

Maybe it's raining today, so I can't find the moon. It's pitiful, but I'm still very happy because I'm in The autumn festival has given me a chance to be with my parents. Best wishes to you and your family.




3:我有一个特殊的寒假,It's so cold this winter that I don't want to go out to play at all. In fact, I stay at home all the time. Most of the time I lie in bed and feel anxious because I stay in it too long.

I go to the window and make snowmen or throw snowballs for the children. It looks very interesting, but I just don't want to go out. Later, my mother found out that I was too lazy.

She forced me to go out because my mother said that although it was cold outside, I had no reason to refuse my mother. My mother was right and wonderful. Since then, everything smelled fresh.

I went out every day and did my homework. I felt energetic. The holiday was over soon.

It was a lazy holiday.




标签: 专八 作文 真题

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