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关于”过去学生是怎样度过假期“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:How did students spend their holidays in the past。以下是关于过去学生是怎样度过假期的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How did students spend their holidays in the past

In the past holidays, students didn't have many special classes. Although the cram school had homework, it was relatively easy, but now all families have high expectations. A "little pressure" is the parents' lifelong wish.

There is also a phenomenon that during the summer vacation, all kinds of cram schools are full of trees and seedlings in the sky. It is not enough to fertilize and rain water is needed If the seedlings are burned, the plants will wither. So who will take part in various remedial classes during the summer vacation? They are still children.

Parents want you to hang all kinds of things on a small tree. Not only will it not grow, but it will backfire. The rebellious young Yan Xuezheng will bear a heavy burden.

This is not good. I suggest contacting children during the holidays. Many rural areas have experienced a lot of hard work, They know that they work hard after making money and should study hard.




As we all know, Christmas is on December, and it is the biggest day in western countries. But on the day before Christmas, not so many people know China's white Christmas. If it snows, then the world will be white.

People are happy about it, because they think it means happiness and luck. So the significance of white Christmas lies in that it always snows heavily on Christmas Eve For the winter in western countries, all families get together and enjoy the snow. What a happy atmosphere it is for a family.




It was a good day for our school to go to the zoo yesterday. We went to the zoo. We went there by bus.

We went there in the morning. There were many people in the zoo. Some of my classmates saw monkeys, some looked at elephants, some looked at tigers.

We had a lot of fun with them.




标签: 小学 英文 作文 真题 假期

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