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关于”建议学校的一封信“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:A letter advising the school。以下是关于建议学校的一封信的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A letter advising the school

Dear schoolmaster: sports facilities play an important role in the daily life of college students. It is necessary for schools to build more sports facilities. In the University, students not only have to study hard, but also need sports facilities in their spare time to relax or enhance their physical fitness.

But there are too few sports facilities in our school. This is not good news. Students' life is very monotonous.

Most of their time is in the reading room or playing games on the Internet. I suggest you seriously consider this and build more sports facilities With your reply, I wish you all the best in your work.




2:通知学校的信,A reply dear Mary, I'm sorry to learn that you're not happy. Those who are not good to you won't be your true friends, so don't take it seriously. I suggest you stay away from her and ignore her jokes.

If you don't seem to care what she says or think, she'll be tired of making fun of you. I suggest you don't worry about what other people think and feel about you, Tracy.




3:建议学校的一封信,Dear parents: today, I miss you very much. I'm glad that in my new school, my teachers and classmates are very friendly to me. They often help me with my study.

Now I don't worry about my English because I have made great progress in English, and I'm more and more interested in it. My school life here is also very good. I've participated in a lot of spare time activities, and I've made great contributions there Many friends, I've learned a lot of learning methods.

Now the final exam is coming. I'm busy preparing. I'll try my best to do well.

I'm glad the summer vacation is coming. I want to join a green city organization. I think I should do something to protect our environment.

It's very hot now, but I can accept and take care of myself. You should pay more attention to your health. I wish you love you, xxxhttp://wwwfenxiangj uncom/fanwen/html.




标签: 六年级 作文 真题 年级 建议

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