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关于”信息泄露“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Information disclosure。以下是关于信息泄露的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Information disclosure

In winter or long sweaters, we feel obliged to slow down and take stock of our lives. The fun and rituals of autumn revolve around the harvest to prepare for winter. We have plenty of time to think about what we have achieved in the warm season, to taste the first cup of cider of the year, or to breathe the aroma of decomposed leaves.




2:信息披露,Personal information is a person's business card, which is the most convincing data to show others. With the development of our modern civilization, we are also facing the crisis of disclosing personal information. Many people are facing the risk of possible leakage of network and communication.

With the great progress of information technology, the Internet has become an indispensable part of our life The rise of some search engines, shopping websites, job forums and social networking platforms has greatly enriched and facilitated our work and life. However, all kinds of harassment calls, text messages and e-mails, regardless of time, place and land, have been submerged in front of us, casting a shadow of uneasiness on our peaceful life. In addition, personal information lacks clear legal protection In addition, some employees' basic professional ethics deviate from each other.

Driven by interests, illegal sale of personal information and other acts occur continuously, which induces crimes such as fraud and theft, invasion of privacy, spreading rumors and even personal attacks. These behaviors not only endanger national security and social stability, but also bring great trouble to the public, and sometimes irrelevant personal information However, if there is a serious incident: for example, a news report on the Internet recently, we need to focus on the phone calls received by Cao Qiao, a teacher of several primary schools in Fengtai District, asking whether their children have been sent to the hospital in the morning. It is understood that several parents have received calls saying that they are familiar with the school teachers, saying that the children are OK in the hospital, and the parents are more alert after verification It should not only punish the economy, but also pay more attention to the control and education of the offenders.

In particular, the premise of ideological education is to change. We can publicize the personal information protection of the community and street units, so that the residents can have this Concerns about preventing further development.




3:信息泄露,Now is the information age. Information is very important in society. We need a lot of information to live a normal life.

We need to know the latest news, listen to the weather forecast, learn about the newly published books and many things we are interested in and want to know There are many ways to obtain information. For example, we can watch TV, listen to the radio, read newspapers, magazines, and surf the Internet. This is the most popular, convenient and effective way.

How should we face the challenge of information technology in such an information age? I think we should try our best to learn knowledge and master new technology,.


现在是信息时代,信息在社会中非常重要我们需要大量的信息才能过上正常的生活我们需要知道最新的新闻,收听天气预报,了解新出版的书籍和许多我们感兴趣和想知道的事情 获取信息的方法有很多种,例如,我们可以看电视、听广播、看报纸、杂志、上网,这是现在最流行、最方便、最有效的方式;



标签: 小学 英文 作文 万能

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