
作者:用户投稿 阅读:881 点赞:0


关于”如何招待客户为题“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:How to entertain customers。以下是关于如何招待客户为题的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to entertain customers

Today is Sunday. When I didn't go to school, the doorbell rang. I was watching TV in the morning.

I opened the door. Oh, my God, my uncle and aunt are Australian. I asked them to come in and sit on the sofa.

Then I brought them some Chinese green tea. They all said that the tea was very good. Uncle John is a computer programmer and aunt Mary is an actor.

They haven't come to my house for a long time They talked for a long time and showed them my photo album at noon. We went to a restaurant for lunch, and I paid for the meal in the afternoon. When my parents got home, we went shopping together.

I know my uncle and aunt are very interested in our city.




This trip to the United States, thank you for your warm hospitality and good work. I really appreciate your enthusiasm. I really don't know how to express in words that the earth is a big family.

We are all members of this big family. We have a deeper understanding and experience in the United States this time. Thank you, your Chinese friends, and sincerely welcome you to visit China Let's be a master.




Sitting posture, feet in my seat, can't stretch freely, elbows should not lean on the table, or hands on the back of the chair next to him. The table must be gentle, quiet, calm, not impatiently selfish to the people on the table, but also care about others, especially to greet the food in the mouth of the ladies on both sides, and avoid talking.




标签: 八级 高分 作文 为题 客户

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