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关于”相亲成功“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Successful blind date。以下是关于相亲成功的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Successful blind date

In the traditional Chinese blind date, boys and girls meet under the arrangement of their parents, and then they fall in love, get married and live happily together. Young people like to choose their own partners. There are many dating programs that provide opportunities for young people to make friends.

But I don't think the program is reliable. First of all, as a program, the first factor concerned is the profit of the program The more the audience and the more advertisements, the more profit the director will have. So the director must do something to make the program interesting.

Then the purpose of dating young people is not simple. Second, when young people meet on the stage, the relationship established on the stage will not last for a long time. They will get to know each other in a short time, even on the stage They can't fully understand each other and what will happen on the stage.

They will find more defects. Blind date shows are very popular in China, but we can't treat them seriously as a way of leisure and entertainment.




Gaze party is a dating trend. Based on the practice of speed dating, participants don't talk to each other, but stare at each other for a period of time, and then continue to watch. Some people describe this experience as "talking to another person's face", while others believe that eye contact can reveal a person's attraction faster than anything else.




Chinese blind date parents are considered to be the most responsible people in the world. They take care of their children all the time. Even if they have grown up, they are not like Western parents.

After Chinese parents even interfere with their children's marriage, their children need to move out and live independently. The slogan of girls is that if you marry a man, you should marry his whole family, which means that Girls need to think about a lot of things recently. The hot Chinese blind date shows many problems in blind date.

The parents of boys have been in control of the situation. They choose girls from all aspects. However, most Chinese parents still think in the traditional way after listening to their parents' words.

Their power is so strong that their children are very vulnerable. Now men and women are both men and women Towards equality, young people have the right to decide which one they love. All parents need to do is send their blessing, which also helps to maintain a harmonious relationship.




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