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关于”怎样描述你的性格“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:How do you describe your character。以下是关于怎样描述你的性格的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How do you describe your character

Miss Li is our English teacher. We are always impressed by her vivid English lessons. One day, when the first bell rang, the monitor stood up and said that our English teacher was going to have an operation today.

Now it has not been decided who will teach us. After listening to him, everyone in the class was quiet. No one seemed to believe him.

In fact, we were all afraid that Miss Li would not be around us. Miss Li appears at the door. She looks tired and pale.

She misses you very much. She said in a low voice, I have asked the doctor to postpone the operation until tomorrow, because I don't want you to miss a lesson she had. A new teacher will replace me and I hope you get along well with him and I will come back as soon as possible.

We are all moved to tears when we hear this. What a good teacher we have.





Jane is from Paris. She is a friend of mine. She is a year old.

She usually goes to school by bike, so she is a student. She likes playing basketball very much. She likes to eat vegetables and drink milk every day.

But I don't like milk. It's terrible. She likes to watch Beijing Opera in her spare time.




Everyone has a different personality. I have an optimistic personality. I am always happy with everything, but not everyone thinks it is easy.

When I meet such people, I usually suggest that they go to the school board. If your parents love you and care about you, everyone's personality is so different. If your parents don't, your personality will be healthy and happy.

Then your personality may be sad and lonely. A person's personality determines his or her future. So if you meet a person who is often worried about, you can try to help them or tell them to ask the councillor for help 。 It's important to know our strengths and weaknesses, because this knowledge helps us improve ourselves.

We should examine ourselves and know who we are. The most important thing is that we should recognize our strengths and weaknesses. For example, I am healthy and healthy, so I can work hard, be optimistic, modest and polite.

These are my strengths, but I also have shortcomings. On the one hand, I am stubborn, a little impatient, sometimes I am lazy. I can watch TV and eat junk food all day long.

I am not ashamed to admit that these are bad Knowing what they are makes me focus on improving myself. Hello, every day, I want to talk to you about myself. I'm an outgoing girl.

For example, no matter what happens, I'm happy. I'm generous and helpful. Wherever people go, they are welcome because they bring happiness to others.

We all live in the same sky, under the same sun, we all hope to have more friends.



最重要的是,我们应该认清自己的长处和短处,例如,我身体健康,身体健康,所以我可以努力工作乐观,谦虚,有礼貌这些都是我的长处,但我也有缺点,一方面,我很固执,有点不耐烦我有时也很懒,可以一整天都在看电视和吃垃圾食品我不羞于承认这些糟糕的品脱知道它们是什么让我专注于提高自己 你好,每一天,我想和你谈谈我自己,我是一个外向的女孩,比如说,无论发生什么事,我都很快乐。我很慷慨,乐于助人。无论人们走到哪里,都会受到欢迎,因为他们会给别人带来快乐。



标签: 英文 三年级 作文 真题 年级

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