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关于”一篇爸爸妈妈心情“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:A father and mother's mood。以下是关于一篇爸爸妈妈心情的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A father and mother's mood

They work in the same factory. They like their work very much. My father has worked there for about 20 years.

He is very busy from morning till night. He goes to work at 6:30 because the factory is far away from my home. He comes home at 9:00 p.m.

I think he works very hard. My mother is a doctor in the factory where she works. She is very patient with the workers.

She often tells the workers to do more exercise, but she is not in good health, I often get sick and take a lot of medicine. I want to tell her not to.




I love my family, also love my mother and father, my mother is a sports teacher, my father is a clerk this summer vacation, my mother taught us and my brother to train basketball, I learned to dribble, pass and tap. I'm very happy that my father took me to the cinema. (one day, bear cat is very good to hold one, you see, I have such a good father and mother feel proud and proud.




My three meals are very healthy. I like noodles for breakfast, fish and beef for lunch, and mutton, pork and soup for dinner. This is my breakfast.

I like milk. My mother eats beads. My father eats beads.

I like to eat rice and meat. Sometimes I eat noodles. My mother and father eat them.

We eat vegetables for dinner.




标签: 考研 作文 万能 妈妈 心情

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