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关于”老舍的简历“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Lao She's resume。以下是关于老舍的简历的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Lao She's resume

LaoShe Teahouse is an exciting cultural place in the front door, not outside the main tourist routes. It is named after the Chinese writer Lao She's drama Teahouse. Although Lao She tried to taste the taste of Beijing teahouse in his time, it has become a wonderful entertainment place with short plays by comedians, singers, musicians, acrobats and operas In short, people can enjoy the kaleidoscope of Beijing culture while tasting tea, and then offer tea and dinner in another area separately.

Moreover, the food price is reasonable. The adjacent rooms display works of art such as paintings and paper cuts. The real name of the old house is Shu Qingchun.

He is a Manchu descendant and is the author of Camel Xiangzi, which is very popular in the United States Lao She, a visiting professor, taught Chinese at the Oriental College of London University in his early years. The drama Teahouse shows his language talent for Beijing dialect, such as crescent moon, Cat City, yellow storm and drummer. Although he has a special love for China, he is also famous for depicting customers drinking tea and chatting with birdcages and pipes.

He was forced to drown and commit suicide by the gang of four He recovered after his death, and all his works can be found. His wife, Hu Jieqing, is a close friend of Professor Pei and an accomplished painter www.laaotoorg/Lao/lifehtml Yin Shengxi, the owner of LaoShe Teahouse, is a student of Qi Baishi's son, one of the best painters in contemporary China. Therefore, the bust of Lao She and Qi Baishi can be seen at the door of the teahouse.

The website is wwwlaosheteahausescom.





LaoShe Teahouse is an exciting cultural place in the front door. It is named after the Chinese writer Lao She's drama Teahouse. Although Lao She tried the taste of Beijing teahouse in Lao She's time, it has become a wonderful entertainment place with comedians and singers' short plays.

In short, musicians, acrobats and opera actors can enjoy tea while enjoying it With the kaleidoscopic scenery of Beijing culture, he provides tea and dinner in another area separately, and the food price is reasonable. The adjacent rooms display works of art such as paintings, paper cuts and statues. The real name of Lao She is Shu Qingchun, a Manchu descendant and the author of Camel Xiangzi, which is very popular in the United States Fang Xueyuan teaches Chinese.

The drama Teahouse shows his language talent for Beijing dialect. Although he has a special love for China, he is also famous for depicting customers drinking tea and chatting with birdcages and pipes. He was forced by the gang of four to drown and commit suicide.

He recovered after his death, and all his works Can be found. His wife, Hu Jieqing, is a close friend of Professor Pei and an accomplished painter www.laaotoorg/Lao/lifehtml Yin Shengxi, the owner of LaoShe Teahouse, is a student of Qi Baishi's son, one of the best painters in contemporary China. Therefore, the bust of Lao She and Qi Baishi can be seen at the door of the teahouse.

The website is wwwlaosheteahouse escomhttp://wwwlaosheteahousecom/http ://wwwchinapagecom/friend/goh/beijing/laoshe/laoshehtml.





Lao She, also known as Shu Sheyou, is a Chinese playwright, the author of humorous satirical novels and short stories. Lao She's most famous novel, Luo de Xiangzi rickshaw, a 20th century classic and an unauthorized English version of rickshaw boy, appeared as an American bestseller. "The man we want to introduce is Xiangzi, not Camel Xiangzi, because" camel is just a nickname.

We only talk about Xiangzi now, which has shown that camel and Xiangzi are the same Shu kunchun (Laoshe) is a Manchu descendant born in Beijing. His father, who is a guard, died in street fighting during the Boxer Uprising and Lao She's private tutoring. His mother washed clothes in "my childhood".

Lao she later said, "I don't need to listen to the story of evil ogres eating children. My mother told me Compared with any fairy tale monster with a big mouth and fangs, fairy tales are only fairy tales, while my mother's stories are 90% authentic, which directly affect our family "(Lao She, a modern Chinese writer, edited by Helmut Martin and Geoffrey kinkley),.




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