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关于”写一篇描写自己“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Write a description of yourself。以下是关于写一篇描写自己的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write a description of yourself

Let me introduce myself, everyone. My name is my one year old boy. I live in the beautiful city Rizhao.

I am an active, lovely and intelligent boy. In school, my favorite subject is mathematics. Maybe some people think it is difficult to learn well, but I like it.

I believe that if you do your best, I also like sports, such as running, volleyball, etc. If you need help, please come to me and hope we can be good friends. This is a sunny boy.




Over the years, I never thought my father was a very emotional person, and he never, at least in front of me, even though he was only five feet nine inches old, and I was only six feet and pounds, and he seemed to be very tall to me. I always think of him as a man of firm discipline. He seldom laughs at me.

My father never told me that he loves me. I'm still a child. I've never had a problem with him.

I think what I really want is for my father to be proud of me when I was young. My mother always bathes me every day. I love you, so I never thought about not hearing that from my father.

I think I know from the bottom of my heart that he loves me, he just never said that I love him, or I never think too much, until I face the reality of wings of death. I had a lot of in-depth conversations with him, and I know he's always proud of me. He's no longer afraid to say I love you, and I'm sorry.

It took me years and a war to find it.





I have a lot of good friends, and Lily was the best we played together when we were very young. She is a very beautiful girl. When people see her, they always pat her little head and say, "Oh, how lovely." lily is also very brave.

I remember one night two weeks ago, my mother asked me to go downstairs to buy some salt and sugar. When I went back to the dark stairs, I suddenly saw a shadow behind me. It was a ghost that scared me to shout "God".

Lily came, She yells at the shadow until it's gone, and then we run home safely. Maybe you've got it. Yes, lily is my dog, my best friend, and I love her.




标签: 高考 英文 作文 满分

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