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关于”写我的结尾“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Write my ending。以下是关于写我的结尾的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write my ending

My father my father is of medium build with sharp eyes and rich expression. He always appears serious and serious. At first glance, he looks like a man of great judgment.

You may think that he is difficult to get close to. In fact, he is very kind and considerate to others. Their feelings often make people have wrong ideas.

Therefore, we can't judge a person by this. My father is a successful man. With his talent and efforts, he has made great achievements in his career Great achievements not only create wealth for the society, but also make our family live a rich life.

Now, he has been well known by people from all walks of life in the city. As a result, I have gained a lot of hard won social experience. ③ I saw more joys and sorrows at home.

My father is a strict parent. He is strict with my mother and I. He does not allow my mother to accept anything from others.

She asks my mother to go to the office in time and leave at last. When I am lazy, he has high expectations for me. When I am doing some great things, such as doing an experiment, he is very excited about such a father.

I always remind him never to give up.





I like reading fairy tales, and I have read a lot in every fairy tale. There will be a good girl and a prince. A good girl always wins the hearts of princes.

The happy ending is admitted in the story. I believe that if I keep myself a kind girl, I will get the love and help of others.




Ee5aeb: I have a very good friend named him. He is a very handsome and brave boy. When I encounter difficulties in my study, he always helps me.

He is very smart. He can do almost anything. For example, he can play basketball and football very well.

His songs are very colorful. These songs can touch almost everyone except my friends. He is very poor and has to do it on weekends Other jobs.

I really wanted to help him, but he said, "I'll do everything myself." I'm proud of my favorite friend: my favorite friend is my dog. My dog's name is Shanshan. It's one year old.

Its hair is brown and its tail is white. Its ears are white. It's very fat.

It weighs about kg. Because it's so fat, I eat some dog food every morning before I go to the park When we eat lunch, it eats its lunch. When we have dinner, it eats its third grain.

When we sleep, it will have its fourth afternoon. My grandmother goes to the park with it. My dog is very smart.

In summer, we turn on the fan. It will sit in front of the fan. In winter, it always sleeps on the sofa and is lazy.

When it is free, it always sleeps. I can play with it. It is my favorite friend.




标签: 初中 英文 作文 真题 结尾

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