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关于”最成功之道“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The most successful way。以下是关于最成功之道的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The most successful way

In modern life, especially in the era of rapid development, many professional women have emerged. They have achieved success in their career. It can be said that they are really great in this competition.

It is not easy to be a successful woman. It is very important not only to have certain humanistic care, but also to have their own abilities, etc.




When doing the same thing, some people succeed, but some fail. There must be many factors that lead to my opinion. The most important factor is that the differences in self-confidence, determination and social skills are the basis and conditions for success.

No matter who wants to succeed, they must have confidence. Self confidence is the basic need for success. If someone always thinks that they can't do this or that thing well, then He can't do it well.

For example, when a person is interviewed, how can he be credible if he doesn't believe he can do it well? Therefore, how can the interviewer trust his ability? The interview is obviously a failure, but if a person is confident, he can easily get the opportunity to prepare for every challenge, which will make the success closer.




I think the most successful person I met in my life is the only child in my family. This child is taken care of by four grandparents and two parents. The worst thing is that the child can be spoiled by their relatives, such as uncles and aunts.

The only child is just crying. Everyone will notice that this is the product of only child today. In a country, the only child in a family is the most successful person no.




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