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关于”巴黎的六十词“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Sixty words of Paris。以下是关于巴黎的六十词的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Sixty words of Paris

Philip Augustus built a tall castle in front of the city gate to protect the right bank of Paris. It was also designed as a symbol of royal authority. It was Charles V, who first settled in the Louvre in the th century.

This very famous miniature painting is from the tr è s rich heures Du Du Du Berry, which shows the king's architect Raymond If the castle was demolished in, and the medieval fortress began to be restored and renovated to give it the magnificent appearance we see in Francois today, I commissioned the architect Pierre Lescott Lescot) to rebuild the royal residence, the Louvre designed for Charles V will be replaced by the same building, with sculptures on the four sides of the facade created by Jean goodjon. This is the first example of Renaissance art in Paris, which Henry II inherited after the death of Francois I and led to the formation of the cour Carre é e, which was commissioned by Louis m é tezeau and androuet Du by Catherine de Medici Ceceau commissioned Catherine de Medici to entrust Louis m é tezo to the Louvre and tuilery (see table) to Louis XIII, who continued Fran's work by adding a wing to offset one built by Pierre Lescot Louis XIII, and ordered Jacques Lemercier continued in the inner courtyard, then there were only two facades, the cornerstone of the new pavilion in the West and south, the clock Pavilion, which was buried on July.


菲利普·奥古斯都在城门前建了一座高大的城堡,它是为了保护巴黎的右岸,它也被设计成皇室权威的象征是查理五世,在世纪,第一次在卢浮宫落户,这座非常著名的微缩画来自于贝瑞宫(Très rich Heures du du berry),它展示了国王建筑师雷蒙德·杜·坦普尔(Raymond du Temple)在城堡中进行的整修工作,然后容纳了王室及其套房,尽管西城岛上的宫殿仍然是弗朗索瓦一世的官邸如果城堡在年被拆除,并开始修复和翻新中世纪的要塞,使其具有我们今天在弗朗索瓦看到的富丽堂皇的外观,我委托建筑师皮埃尔·莱斯科特(Pierre Lescot)重建皇家住宅,为查理五世设计的卢浮宫将被同样设计的建筑所取代,四面立面上的雕刻是让·古乔恩创作的。这是巴黎文艺复兴时期艺术的第一个例子,弗朗索瓦一世死后亨利二世继承了这一点,并由此产生了广场庭院(Cour Carreée是继凯瑟琳·德·梅迪奇(Catherine de Medici)委托路易斯·梅特索(Louis Métezeau)和安德鲁埃·德塞奥(Androuet Du Cerceau)委托凯瑟琳·德梅迪奇(Catherine de Medici)委托路易斯梅特索(Louis Métezo卢浮宫和图伊勒里宫(见席)是路易斯十三,他继续弗兰的工作是通过增加一个机翼来抵消Pierre LescotLouis XIII建造的一个,命令Jacques Lemercier继续在内院,然后只有两个立面,在西和南的新亭子的基石,时钟亭,xx月日下葬。


2:,Eiffel Tower is the first steel structure tower in the world. The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, once celebrated the 60th anniversary of the French bourgeois revolution in the French government. As a permanent building built for the tower in the World Expo, its designer occupied staffe to gain fame.

The tower is meters high and weighs about tons. It is made of high-quality steel parts and rivets. The base has legs that open outward to form the ground The side length of the tower is meters square, the legs of the tower are respectively supported by Shiqi Dunn, and there are concrete foundations underground.

The tower is divided into three parts, the first height is meters, the second is meters, and the third meter. From the tower to the tower, there are steps and ladders. It shows that the structural science of the last century and the progress of architectural technology today, the grand image of Eiffel Tower has become the symbol of Paris.




3:巴黎的六十词,As we all know, Paris is the capital of France. It is such a beautiful place that one day all people want to visit it. It is not hot in summer and not cold in winter.

There are many places of interest in that city, such as Notre Dame and Versailles. You can see many museums, theaters, gardens, fountains and sculptures. There are really civilized and beautiful cities everywhere.

Parisians are very gentle. They have a rich and colorful life.




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