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关于”介绍侄女“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Introduce your niece。以下是关于介绍侄女的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce your niece

30: How are you doing in Australia? I'm very happy. I'm very happy in our school. Let me introduce my school to you.

My school is built in this school. There are many classes and students. Teachers work in it.

I work in a class in China. Our subjects are Chinese, mathematics, English and physics. I'm looking forward to hearing your English and English in Australia Have time to listen to your English and English.


三十: 你在澳大利亚过得怎么样我很高兴在我们学校很高兴,让我向你介绍我的学校,我的学校建在这个学校里有很多班级和学生,老师在里面工作我在中国的一个班,我们每天的科目是语文,数学,英语,物理,我也很期待能在澳大利亚听你的英语和英语,我也很期待能有时间去听你的英语和英语。


My hometown is a beautiful and rich coastal city. Dahlias are like poems and paintings all the year round. They are as beautiful as spring.

The spring sunshine in Dalian is always very gentle. You can feel all the warm breeze on your face. Soon, all kinds of flowers will be in bud.

You can see the spring flowers bloom With yellow petals like a small trumpet, cherry blossoms are not willing to fall behind in spring. Opening their small bodies, one after another pink flowers are placed in front of us. Their petals are crystal clear.

People love the petals under the cherry trees. They dance with the wind in the summer, the sun will lose the tenderness of spring, just like a fireball burning on the earth, as if At this time, all the heat will be emitted. People will gather at the seaside involuntarily.

The water in summer is warm. Walking on the beach, blowing the sea breeze, gives people a warm feeling. You will be shocked, because at that time, you will really feel the green water.

The blue color makes you feel that the color of jadeite is too light, and the color of sapphire is too deep. Use any language or East The blue sky reflects the blue water, the blue sky, autumn is the season of chrysanthemum blooming. People in Dalian will go to see the chrysanthemum exhibition together.

You can see the chrysanthemum standing haughtily in the cold autumn, white as snow, red as fire, yellow as gold, pink as gauze, like a small sun, warming our hearts, so that we will not feel cold, autumn scenery is very beautiful, Dalian People can be busy and happy, because this is the harvest season, apples, seafood, big harvest, people's faces with happy smile, Dalian is very warm in winter, but it is a pity that snow girls seldom come here. This is my beautiful and lovely hometown, which makes me intoxicated in Dalian.




My little niece my little niece, a ten month old child, is the most lovely child I have ever seen. Her face is like a red apple, her eyes are like bright stars. When you hold her in your arms, she likes to put her arm around your neck.

All the family members love her very much and often try to make her smile, but she often makes us laugh. Once I winked at her She smiles when I blink again, she looks at me intently, and then she tries to imitate, and I close one eye and blink, and she has to close both eyes at the same time, and then quickly open them again. That's how she blinks.

When we looked at her again, we all started to laugh, and she looked at us, puzzled, as if she were asking, "what are you talking about.




标签: 初二 英文 作文 介绍 满分

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