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关于”理想的过程“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Ideal process。以下是关于理想的过程的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ideal process

The process of Sublimation: find out the essence of things. How can you refine your life into its essence? You can start by facing your fear. I now understand that it is through a personal sublimation process that I encounter my own fear, and every time I encounter fear, I have another moment, and I master them.

"Aha, I am getting closer and closer to my true self The first revelation was that at the moment I realized that I really met the criteria, I realized that it was about overcoming the fear of inadequacy. Remember when you were a one-year-old kid at Stanford University, or you were a very enthusiastic graduate student, you were confident in your abilities, right? Then you came to your dorm room, or attended your first department meeting, and After two or three conversations with your peers, if you're like me, you may feel uncomfortable and totally incompetent, and your inner monologue says, "my God, the admissions office messed up, they must have mistaken me for another Carly, these people are in a completely different league, they're thinking about what I'm doing here, and I'm going to tell them," let me warn you You, my classmates, you may have this feeling of incompetence. Many times in your life, when I appear at at & T again, everyone seems to be smarter than me.

They look more confident, more prepared and more capable to finish their work. But slowly, you win some battles, you prove yourself with your work, you fail, you survive, you do If you've learned, maybe you even lead, the fear will be a little less. You've removed hundreds of pages from your great personal work, you've started the refining process, you've begun to define your life at & T.




A person's life is a process of growth. In fact, standing here is a process of growth. If a person's life must be composed of various choices, then I will grow up with these choices.

Once I hoped to enter the University in the future, but that has passed. You know, I came here. Now I am thinking, when I come to this school, what will my future be like I said to myself: This is my near future, everything starts from here, I want to learn to be a man, a complete person, he has a good body, can undertake important tasks, has independent thinking, open mind, is good at thinking, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job once my teacher said: you are not sewing, you are a designer, Never forget that what you should show people is your thoughts, not your skills.

I will put my personality and my interests and abilities into my study. In this process, I will combine learning with practice. If I can realize this future, I think I really grow up.

I believe that family affection, friendship and love will be perfect and happy in the future.


人的一生是一个成长的过程,其实我站在这里就是一个成长,如果一个人的生命必须由各种选择构成,那么我就伴随着这些选择长大,曾经我希望将来能进大学读书,但是那已经过去了,你知道我来到这里,现在我在想,当我来到这所学校时,我的未来会是怎样的,我对自己说:这是我的不远的将来,一切从这里开始,我要学会成为一个男人,一个完整的人,他有一个好的身体,可以承担重要的任务,有独立的思想,开放的思想,精于思考,有能力判断是非,有一份完美的工作 曾经我的老师说:你不是缝纫,你是设计师,永远不要忘记你应该向人们展示的是你的思想,而不是手艺我会把我的个性与我的兴趣和能力放在我的学习中,在这个过程中我将学习与实践相结合,如果我能实现这个未来,我认为我真的长大了,我深信亲情,友谊和爱会完美幸福的未来。


The drugstore was closing in the evening, and young Alfred Higgins, who worked in the store, was putting on his coat and preparing to go home. He passed by Mr. Carr, a little gray haired man.

Mr. Carr looked up at Alfred passing by and said in a very soft voice, "wait a minute, Alfred, one minute before you go," Mr. Carr said It was so calm that he worried about Alfred, "what's the matter, Mr.

Carr"; "maybe," you'd better take out the contents of your pocket before you go, "Mr. Carr said," what are you talking about? You have a sleeve and lipstick in your pocket, and at least two tubes of toothpaste, Alfred, "you say," Alfred replied, "you think I'm crazy Did you? "His face turned red. Carl looked at Alfred coldly.

Alfred didn't know what to say. He tried not to let his eyes touch the boss's eyes. After a while, he reached into his pocket and took out the stolen thing.

"Petty thief, well, Alfred said to Mr. Carr," maybe you can tell me how long this has been going on ";" this is the first time I've eaten anything ";" Mr. Carr quickly replied, "so now you think you're going to lie to me, well, I look like a fool, well, I don't know what's going on in my own store, um, I don't know To tell you, "you've been doing this for a long time." Mr.

Carr had a strange smile on his face. "I don't want to call the police," he said, "but maybe I should call your father and let him know I'll put you in jail.".





标签: 英文 八年级 作文 万能 年级

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