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关于”有钱不快乐“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Money is not happy。以下是关于有钱不快乐的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Money is not happy

Many people think that having a lot of money is the greatest happiness in life, but I don't agree with them, because money is not everything, money can't make us real people. In my opinion, health is much better than wealth. No matter how much money we have, if we are not in good health for the sake of health, we will not feel happy at all.

We must maintain a positive attitude and have a healthy living environment. As long as we work hard, we must work hard. We can not only live a good life, but also enrich our thinking sadly I think that while helping others, when others need help, we should give a helping hand.

We can have a good reputation and gain more social experience. This is a good way to kill two birds with one stone. Only in this way can we enjoy the happiest life.




Happiness is neither a gift nor a right. When you try new things and accept new challenges, we must take the initiative to explore and pursue with heart, because you will find a new dimension of life, but you will be surprised to find that there are dreams, there are pursuits, and there will be happiness, because in the process of struggle, to achieve the goal of glory, can produce great happiness.




Money can buy happiness. Different people have different views on money. People think that money is the source of happiness, but others think that money is the root of evil.

Those who hold the first view believe that money can enjoy all the luxurious things in the world, eat delicious food, drink good wine, buy luxurious houses or cars, and travel around the world. In contrast, those who hold the second view believe that some people use money to prostitute and take drugs, some bribe government officials, manipulate elections or parliaments, even organize terrorist organizations and launch unfair wars. In my opinion, money is a thing, but not every rich person is happy, and not every poor person is unhappy.

In addition, I don't think money itself is good or bad. Money can be used to build a country, but it can also be used to destroy a country. Therefore, money itself has nothing to do with happiness or evil.





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