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关于”下册自己的变化“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Volume II own changes。以下是关于下册自己的变化的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Volume II own changes

Life changes my life has changed a lot in the past few years. I used to be very shy and seldom confident because I didn't study very well in school. I was the lowest ranked one in my class.

Few friends think I'm not a good friend, but since a new teacher came to my class, I've improved a lot. Now I've learned a lot of new things. My new teacher has taught me a lot of new things, and there's a different way for me to understand that the biggest change in my life is that I've learned how to use computers to get what I need This is the most important, because I found a lot of new things knowledge, I used to lack this knowledge to help me improve myself, now I am much happier than before:.




Hello everyone, I'm Princess Xuanxuan. I don't think I'm an excellent student. Although I'm an excellent student, no one likes me in my class.

No one appreciates me in my class. I always wonder why they don't like the meat I know. Sometimes I'm proud of my pride and indifference.

They call me "Princess". They all think I'm very indifferent to them Call me "ice beauty", so I'm very lonely. I really want to change.

I believe that "no pains, no gains". Where there are mistakes, there are ways. I will try my best to change myself.

Please help me.




Now, I am a ninth grade middle school student and my last year of middle school. Therefore, I have to work harder this year, because I want to get good grades in the entrance examination of high school this semester. I get up earlier than before because I want to read more books after lunch.

I also spend some time on my study. I usually review what I have learned after supper in the morning. I am at school Class until: This is for students to study independently.

Our teachers will come to the classroom. If we have any questions, we can ask them after class. I don't study at home.

I think it's very important for me to have a good rest, so I go to bed early in the evening. Besides, because of the exam, I spend much less time on entertainment. I don't think it's bad for me because a good high school is my top priority right now and I have to focus on it.




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