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关于”自救是最好的帮助“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Self help is the best help。以下是关于自救是最好的帮助的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Self help is the best help

Tom is my best pen. He is an English boy. In my spare time, I often chat with him on the Internet, telling each other about our country's culture, our happiness and our sadness.

He not only let me understand his national culture and history, but also made me make great progress in learning English, so I am very grateful for his help.




There are many differences between my parents and me. For example, my taste in clothes is very different from that of my parents. I prefer light colored clothes to dark ones, such as red, but on the contrary, they like the latter.

Besides, they seem to be dissatisfied with all my male friends, which makes me very angry. Then I reached an agreement with them and wrote them a surprise letter to persuade them to agree with me. They agreed not to prohibit me from making friends The freedom of.




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: parents are the best teachers, with specific reasons and examples to support your answer in my life, I am very lucky to have a very good relationship with my parents, they have always supported me, given me the necessary criticism, taught me a lot about how to live, in our life, they may be very important teachers, but They are not always the best teachers ‰ parents may be too close to their children emotionally, sometimes they can only see their children through the eyes of protectors. They may restrict their children's freedom in the name of safety. Teachers may regard travel to big cities as a valuable new experience, which may be too dangerous for parents.

Another problem is that parents can If they love science, they may try to force their children to love science, but if their children's true love is art, or writing, or car repair, parents are usually eager to pass on their value to their children, but if children always believe in their parents' love, they may try to force their children to love science, but if their children love science, they may try to force their children to love science What they do, maybe different generations need different ways of thinking when their children are young. They believe that their parents are always right. But when they grow up, they realize that there are other views.

Sometimes parents, especially older parents, cannot keep up with rapid social or technological changes. A student with friends of different races and backgrounds in school can You can find that her parents don't really understand or value the digital revolution. Sometimes children have to find their own way to realize their beliefs.

The most important thing is that we all have a lot of teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, our peers teach us books and newspapers, and television teaches us all these are valuable.


你同意还是不同意以下说法:父母是最好的老师用具体的理由和例子来支持你的答案 在我的一生中,我很幸运地与父母有着非常好的关系,他们一直支持我,给予我必要的批评,教给了我很多关于如何生活的父母在我们的生活中,他们可能是非常重要的老师,但是,他们并不总是最好的老师‰父母可能在情感上离他们的孩子太近,有时他们只能通过保护者的眼睛看到他们的孩子,他们可能会以安全的名义限制孩子的自由老师可能会把去大城市的旅行视为宝贵的新体验,对父母来说,这可能太危险了;另一个问题是,父母可能期望孩子的兴趣与自己的兴趣相似他们的想法似乎无法与孩子分开如果他们热爱科学,他们可能会试图强迫他们的孩子也爱科学,但是如果他们孩子的真爱是艺术,或者写作,或者汽车修理,父母通常渴望将自己的价值传递给孩子,但如果孩子们总是相信父母的所作所为,也许不同的一代人在孩子们小的时候需要不同的思维方式,他们相信他们的父母永远是对的,但当他们长大后,他们意识到还有其他的观点有时是父母,尤其是年长的父母,无法跟上快速的社会或技术变化一个在学校里有不同种族和背景的朋友的学生可能会发现她的父母并不真正理解或重视数字革命有时孩子们必须找到他们自己的方式去实现他们的信仰最重要的是我们都有很多老师在我们的生活中,我们的父母教我们,我们的老师教我们,我们的同龄人教我们书和报纸,电视也教我们所有这些都是宝贵的。


标签: 高三 英文 作文 真题

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