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Steve Jobs is the cover character of time magazine for seven times. Jobs is regarded as one of the most successful businessmen and scientists in the computer field. This high reputation is based on his creativity.

Because of his outstanding creativity, he invented more useful and intelligent digital iPad, iPhone, iTouch and other Apple products, which are greatly welcomed by people all over the world Apple has become a very excellent and successful company. Without creativity, Apple's products will be like other products in this market. I think creativity is a necessary condition for success.




Steven Paul, born in, is an American businessman and inventor. He is the co-founder and CEO of cnjobs. He was also the CEO of Pixar Animation Company.

In the late 1960s, he joined Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in a loan for the movie toy story to become Walt Disney Disney Company's board member, Mike makkula and others designed, developed and sold the first successful PCs, one of the PC series in the early 's. jobs became the first to see the potential after losing a power struggle with the board. It's a company that serves jobs' higher education and business markets.

In the company he co founded, jobs was the company's chief executive officer and major shareholder until he became the largest shareholder of Disney.


Steven Paul(出生于年,美国商人和发明家,他是CNJOBS的联合创始人和首席执行官(CEO),也曾担任Pixar动画公司的首席执行官。他在20世纪xx年代后期与苹果公司的共同创始人史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)一起为电影《玩具总动员》(Toy Toy Story)贷款,成为沃尔特迪斯尼公司(Walt DisneyCompany)的董事会成员,迈克·马克库拉和其他人设计、开发和销售了第一批成功的个人电脑,即年代初的个人电脑系列之一,乔布斯在与董事会的权力斗争中失利后,成为第一个看到潜力的人。这是一家为乔布斯的高等教育和商业市场服务的公司在他共同创立的公司中,乔布斯一直是公司的首席执行官和大股东,直到最后,乔布斯成为迪斯尼公司的最大股东。


After the death of Steve Jobs, Apple's greatest chief executive, people around the world regretted the loss of this great genius, and they wrote a few messages on their blogs to show their respect. Looking at Steve's life, he didn't finish college and started his own career. Although he dropped out of school, he would listen to him.

Another lesson that aroused his interest was that he overcame poverty by collecting bottles. His persistence and creativity made him a great success in business, but later he was fired, he was depressed, and then he realized By the time he could start another career, he bought an animation studio, and now it's very successful. Pixar studios are all over the world.

Steve's story inspires young people to fight for their dreams.




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