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关于”人生不缺美“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:There is no lack of beauty in life。以下是关于人生不缺美的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:There is no lack of beauty in life

There are many differences between American students and students from other countries, some of which are cultural differences. These differences come from the way people all over the world see themselves and their relationships with others. Typical American students study between and hours a week, which is very different.

In most Asian countries, students can study several hours a week. American students also spend a lot of time participating in extracurricular activities, such as American football, cheerleading and volleyball. Although students from other countries can also participate in these activities, they rarely engage in this activity as enthusiastically as American students, because American athletes receive bigger and richer rewards than most countries, and there are many opportunities that can be different in many ways In order to achieve the goal of high school students in the United States, it is usually a matter of great pride for their students to succeed in other aspects of high school education that students in the United States are not proud of Often different, in these countries, a collaborative environment is created, and students naturally tend to help each other.

In some countries, examinations are required, and a small group of students are required to continue learning. This cooperative learning process is just beginning to become popular in the United States, but it has been considered to be too different from traditional education. American students usually have a part-time job while studying.

In the United States, there is usually no uniform or dress code related to education. In the United States, state education is free before you are old, but universities are paid by scholarships. In other countries, grants and loans are always paid by schools.

Students must wear uniforms. This will make it very expensive for American students to go to school There are many similarities and differences with students in other countries, which is why learning is a very interesting thing.




People always say that we lack the eyes to realize the beauty of life. I didn't agree with that again last week. I woke up early in the morning, so I decided to go for a walk.

The street is very quiet. There are many old people dancing in the square. There are not many cars.

I realize that the city looks so clean and beautiful. Some coffee shops are decorated so well that it attracts my eyes. The city is covered with green trees, making it a green city.

I am very happy with this feeling. At this moment, I find the city is so lovely, I just put its beauty Li is in it.




It's not the lack of beauty in life, but the lack of eyes for beauty. Beauty: lack of experience, he got the job. Peking University: Ti] everyone admires her elegance and beautiful eyes.




标签: 九年级 作文 真题 人生 年级

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