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关于”开学第一天“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Black Monday。以下是关于开学第一天的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Black Monday

Walking into the school gate again on the first day of school always reminds me of my responsibility as a student. As a student, it's not just going to class and appearing in exams. I'm given the right to acquire knowledge, which is about empowerment, and I hope that one day, I can use this knowledge to make a great contribution to society.




The first day of my high school life, the first day of my high school life, I have some thoughts and feelings. The passage of time can always give people some special things in the new environment. I feel a little excited.

I can realize that freshmen and teachers are my biggest gains in the next three years. We will learn together and make progress together, so that our dreams come true. I will have new friends and share happiness and sadness with them.

The process of learning is also a process of growth. Similarly, I will also face many difficulties. I may have difficulties in learning and getting along with my classmates, but I will bear some pressure in my life.

After three years, I will become stronger and complete every step of high school.





Summer vacation time passed so fast, our school is much more beautiful than before. The grass in front of the office building is so green, the river next to it is so clean, and the trees around it are so high. Our teaching building has changed a lot.

Compared with last semester, I went into the classroom higher, newer, and clean. My classmates, I am very interested in the new things in the classroom. We have entered the third year.

We are a little nervous. We are very busy today. We have three new teachers.

We like them as usual. We are busy doing everything, but I like this kind of life. Busy days can make me happy and excited.

This is my first day of school. Although it is very busy, it is very interesting. I like my classroom, my school, I like the first day of my high school life.

I have some ideas and feelings. With the passage of time, there will always be some special things. In the new environment, I feel a little excited Recognizing that new classmates and new teachers will be my biggest harvest in the next three years.

We will study together and make progress together to make our dreams come true. I will have new friends to share happiness and sadness with them. The learning process is also a growing process.

I will also face many difficulties. I may have difficulties in learning and getting along with my classmates, and I will bear some pressure in my life, But I'm going to get stronger through every step of my three years in high school.




标签: 英文 翻译 四年级 作文 真题

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