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My major is physics in the dormitory. The most popular topic is about Nobel Prize winners. Our classmates often talk about Einstein and Hawking, but when we look at their nationalities, Germany, the United States and France, sometimes we can find a yellow man.

He must be Japanese, or he is just a banana man with yellow skin and an American Heart in his heart. What kind of a supporter is he Why can't an ancient country with a billion people produce Nobel laureates? We were not slow in the past. Our ancestors discovered some mathematical theories hundreds of years earlier than Western scientists.

The reason why we lag behind today lies in our primary and secondary education system. Under the pressure of fierce competition, students accumulate a mountain of knowledge. Many young people lose their chance to enter university because they fail in a stupid exam early.

In such an education system, how can our high school students show their true abilities when they amaze people all over the world? In such an education system, we lack creativity. In the world, their gold medal computer company in IMO laughs and says that they have found the best programmers. Our students can perfectly do whatever they are asked to do, but they are not creative.

This is a fatal problem. In most professional and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge Fortunately, we know this. Most schools are carrying out many reforms.

Students are actively participating in classroom activities. In some schools, they are allowed to express their ideas. Students can choose the courses they are interested in.

This provides them with more space for self-development. Some famous universities are looking for Newton and Einstein in remote mountainous areas instead of modern cities The talented people there are waiting more naturally for the creative Chinese academic star to rise into the sky.




2:,When you face the possibility of abortion, you will realize that life is precious and you still have a lot of work to do. Although I am not able to move, I need the help of machines, and my mind is free, we have learned a lot of common sense from people, but common sense is often a synonym for prejudice. The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, but the illusion of mastering knowledge.

When I was transformed by my expectation, I would like to learn more Zero, everything becomes extra pocket money. Life is unfair. No matter what your situation is, you can only do your best, Stephen William Hawking.




3:科学创新的名言,In business, if you can find a way to produce faster, cheaper and better products than your competitors, you will eventually become a leader, and others will compete with you. A good example is that before Amazon, most books were sold in bookstores. Therefore, the space for storing these books is limited, and the range of potential customers is also limited.

But Amazon decided to store their books in a huge warehouse and sell them through the Internet, because they are no longer limited by space and location. They can now offer more book choices. The simple idea of lower cost and more people has brought Amazon an advantage and made them successful in the competitive market.

They are now him Leaders in our field, like Amazon, have the ability to generate new ideas and come up with new ways to do things, which will be an extremely important factor in determining your success. Members, all you have to do is be better than others, and if you can figure out how to do that, you can succeed in almost any effort you make.




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