
作者:用户投稿 阅读:3 点赞:0


关于”我的老师的爱好“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:My teacher's hobby。以下是关于我的老师的爱好的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My teacher's hobby

My hobbies everyone has many hobbies. For example, my hobby is sports. I like swimming and playing badminton.

More sports can make you healthy. I also like to play computer. I like to chat with friends on QQ.

I also like to listen to music. Music in a good mood helps people become my good friends as soon as possible. My children and I have the same small nose, I have the same hobbies as her, small nose and small nose, so we become good friends.

How do you spend the weekend weekend? In the morning, I get up and go to the park to play badminton with my friends: after lunch, I go home to cook, I rest for a period of time, in the afternoon, I do my homework carefully, until my mother tells me that I fell asleep early in the evening because I should go to school tomorrow.




标签: 初中 作文 真题 爱好 老师

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