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关于”山区生励志“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Mountain students are inspirational。以下是关于山区生励志的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Mountain students are inspirational

On July 1, our school will hold a book donation activity for schools in poor mountainous areas. We hope that you can actively participate in the activities of the school. We don't have to take away the old books.

To help the poor mountain schools, we donate a book, which can help a student. We make the world full of love. The world will thank you for your love because of you and the children in the magic poor mountain area.




One day it was snowing heavily. The sky was dark and overcast with snow. How cold was the cold wind from the north? Mr.

Jenkins was walking in the snow. He was wearing a thick coat. His hands were in his pockets, but he didn't have a hat on his head.

He was walking in the snow. It was a little cold now. He couldn't see the warm house.

It was Sunday afternoon when Li Ming and I went to the park and saw a boy After falling off the bicycle, we both rushed to the hospital because one of his legs was seriously injured. The boy couldn't stand up. He began to cry.

We tried to comfort him. We put him on the bicycle and sent him to the hospital. He was treated immediately.

I called his parents and told them the whole story. They thank us again and again. It was dark and we said goodbye to them.

Although we couldn't go to the park, we were very happy.




Poor people are amazing people. One night we went out and we picked up four people from the street. One of them was in a terrible condition.

I told my sisters: you take care of the other three people, and I take care of this person who looks worse, so I do everything I can for her that I love. I put her on the bed with such a beautiful smile on her face when she said "thank you" When she was holding my hand, she was dead. I couldn't help but examine my conscience in front of her, and I asked what I would say if I were in her position, and my answer was simple, I would try to get a little attention, I would say I was hungry, I was dying, I was cold, I was in pain, or something, but she gave me more, she gave me her grateful love, she died, she had a smile on her face, like we were out of the gutter Like the man we picked up, he was half eaten by worms.

We took him home. "I live like an animal on the street, but I will die like an angel." how wonderful it is to see the greatness of this man. He can die like that without blaming anyone, cursing anyone, or comparing with any angel.

This is the greatness of our people Big, that's why we believe what Jesus said: I'm hungry, I'm naked, I'm homeless, I'm unwelcome, unloved, uncared for, and you treat me like this.




标签: 九年级 作文 万能 励志 年级

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