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关于”描述妈妈“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Describe mom。以下是关于描述妈妈的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe mom

Dear mother, I really want to say thank you and love you forever. But when I face you, I can't say thank you for your care. You always think of me, but you often forget to take care of yourself.

Reading and singing have left a deep impression on me. When I was a child, you let me learn how to make friends and choose friends. More importantly, your knight You're welcome to be my daughter in the whole world@@@.




My dear mother, thank you very much for giving me life, and have a lot of trouble to bring me up. Now I grow up, I will do well, dear, you can rest assured that I will make you happy every day. I hope you can always be healthy, we can enjoy our beautiful life together.

I love you very much. Come on.




It was Sunday yesterday. My father was busy with his work, so he went to his office at about three o'clock as usual. My mother and I went to the bookstore.

My mother bought me an interesting book. I was very happy that we came back around 5:30. My mother began to cook.

Although she was very tired, I began to read a new book in five minutes, but my mother asked me to buy a bag of salt. I didn't want to go. My mother was angry, but She didn't say anything.

She went out to buy it herself. Now I'm sorry. I love you very much.

Mom, I've been wrong from now on. I'll try my best to help you with the housework.




标签: 四级 作文 真题 妈妈 美文

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