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关于”给老师的道歉信“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:A letter of apology to the teacher。以下是关于给老师的道歉信的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A letter of apology to the teacher

Dear English teacher, I come here to apologize for what I have done to you. I know you want to see us become better. But we let you down in class.

We didn't take it seriously. We didn't even recite words. I'm sorry to make you cry today.

I swear to God that this will not happen again, your sincere students.




Writing an apology Monday, March, dear Professor Martin, I like your class very much, but I'm sorry I missed your class last Thursday. Unfortunately, my roommate was ill and I had to take him to the hospital. Please tell me what I can do to make up the class.

I know you want us to tell you in advance when we will be absent, but there is no time. I hope you can take it By my sincere apology, your student Lin Shantao.




Dear Miss Li, Miss Li, I really take this good opportunity to write this letter to you, in order to eliminate my guilt of writing those terrible notes and saying bad things about you. I know these words must hurt you. Maybe we are too impulsive or even too young to distinguish right from wrong.

I ask for your forgiveness, because there is a Chinese saying that crying is useless, but I feel guilty. I know that even if I say sorry, the only thing I can do is to promise you that I will never do this terrible thing again. Please forgive my bad behavior and wish you everything Smooth your sincerity, Li Wang.




标签: 雅思 英文 高分 作文 范文

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