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关于”介绍世界最冷“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Introduce the coldest in the world。以下是关于介绍世界最冷的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce the coldest in the world

When I stand in front of you, the distance between you and me is not the most far away, but when I stand in front of you, I can't stand in front of you, but I can't stand in front of you You have never been in my heart. The furthest distance in the world is not to dig an insurmountable river for those who love you with cold heart.




David Beckham is perhaps the most handsome and famous male athlete in the world. His wife, Victoria, is also very popular all over the world. They are the favorite couple of the public.

The couple has three boys. They finally had their first daughter two years ago. People always pay attention to this star family.

They like to watch their news. When the girl comes to the family, they like to watch their news, Not only David and Victoria are very happy, but the public also like to see this lovely girl. They call her the happiest girl in the world.

This little girl has a handsome father and a beautiful mother. What's more, she has three brothers. Her fate means perfection.




In the story of snow white, the bad queen always wants to kill this girl to keep herself the most beautiful woman in the world. Her beauty concept has made her lose her reputation. This story tells us that the true beauty lies not in the appearance, but in our soul.

The beautiful soul makes us become shining stars.




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