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关于”如何战胜公共演讲的恐惧“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:How to overcome the fear of public speaking。以下是关于如何战胜公共演讲的恐惧的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to overcome the fear of public speaking

Everyone will encounter difficulties when dealing with some problems. When we encounter some situations that we can't overcome immediately, we will become nervous. They may push us to distraction.

Fear will bring us physical and mental torture. The situation will get worse and worse. We are not confident enough to complete the task.

It is very important for us to learn how to overcome fear. First of all, I We have to have strong control, calm us down in an emergency, and our brain will have precious time to think about how to deal with this terrible situation. On the contrary, if we are in a panic, the best chance of success will fly away, although it may be difficult to do it, we should do it again and again, and then we will get enough experience Experience to overcome our fear, which is also essential for us.

I want to know some good ways to overcome fear, but some people still say negative things to you and ignore them. You should tell yourself that this is my own business, so I have to deal with it with my heart. The psychological hint that I can't be influenced by others will become a powerful driving force for you to further solve your problems Instead of wasting time doing unnecessary things, you should focus on how to get out of trouble.

Finally, we should open our mind to consider the situation, so that our friends will certainly help us, we must rely mainly on ourselves, so that we can overcome our fear, get strong motivation, and find a clear way to complete the task. In short, we should have good psychological quality to overcome fear, we need to learn how to become stronger.




I hit her once, because of discomfort and stopped the pace of progress, now, I crossed the finish line, put myself in the first few weeks of this time, in order to measure the meter, my calm appearance, hidden uneasy heartbeat, I am not afraid of rice, but worried about whether my body can hold the second group to the end, is it? We will soon be our turn, I think the third place It's very uncomfortable, and with the teacher's whistle, we all set out at the same time, out of the starting point, all of them did my part, and it was even more difficult to win. After half a lap, Zhong Jiajun ranked first, and I followed. Before long, I should not suddenly forget to speed up a hot head and clench my teeth.

There are only three children in my mind: after she did, I occupied the first one not long ago But he made it clear: if I run at this speed, I will not hold the second lap. I still play the role of "leader", but I have lost more and more control over my legs, and gradually began to breathe a little bit. "Come on!" I heard the cry in my heart, "keep going, I want to" get down "is also" lie down "outside the finish line." my heart was ignited again, For myself, there is still half a circle, and legs like lead heavy water, and no power to move forward, breathing more and more powerful, I hesitated for a moment, stopped, I really want to, but it is impossible, I want to beat myself in a short time, but it seems that it is long and close, I use the last spare force to cross the finish line, I now, how to cry to the blue sky: "I, defeat "Yourself".




Everyone will encounter difficulties when dealing with some problems. When we encounter some situations that we can't overcome immediately, we will become nervous. They may push us to distraction.

Fear will bring us physical and mental torture. The situation will get worse and worse. We are not confident enough to complete the task.

It is very important for us to learn how to overcome fear. First of all, when When we encounter an emergency, we must have a strong control, let us calm down, our brain will have valuable time to think about how to deal with this terrible situation. On the contrary, if we are in a panic, the best chance of success will fly away.

Although it may be difficult to do it, we should do it again and again, and then we will gain enough experience to overcome our fear, which is also crucial for us. When you are in trouble, you know some good ways to overcome your fear, but some people still say negative things to you and ignore them. You should tell yourself that it is my own business, so I have to deal with it with my heart, and the psychological hint that I can't be influenced by others will become a strong motivation for you.

Moreover, you should focus on how to get out of the predicament, instead of wasting time doing unnecessary things. Therefore, we will overcome our fear, gain strong motivation, and get a clear way to accomplish our task. In short, we should have a good psychological quality to overcome fear, we need to learn how to become stronger.





标签: 专升本 英文 作文 真题 演讲

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