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关于”考上理想的“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Be admitted to the ideal。以下是关于考上理想的的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Be admitted to the ideal

My dream is very small, very funny, but I still used to fantasize about the dying sun. The big red clouds in the bright red sky are like Van Gogh's modern paintings. The remaining few drops of light pink sprinkled on the pedestrians through the aperture, and everything is gone.

It's just a kind of comfort in the waves for a weekend. If I don't go to school tomorrow, I can go out for a walk today. I often think that if the morning is one I don't know.

I don't want to know. I just want to immerse myself in a rare aimless walk. Adults are walking in the evening.

I don't know. Right? Do I walk with an old head on my young shoulders? Maybe I'm wasting time. You will say that I have no ambition at all.

But you know, a literary family may be born at dusk, you will say that I am too arrogant, full and meaningful life is the direction behind the thought, the eyes of dreams are dynamic, it is really beautiful, just like walking in the evening, let all the troubles All disappear, let weak life more ruddy dream, beautiful sunset, comfort me well.




Don't give up the purpose you are determined to achieve because of a failure. William Shakespeare, British dramatist, don't give up your fantasy. When the fantasy disappears, you may still exist, but you no longer exist.

Mark Twain, American writer. I want to reveal the secrets of nature and apply them to the happiness of mankind. I don't know what better service there is In our short time, Thomas Edison American inventor t ideal is no ideal lighthouse, where there is no direction, there is no safe direction, no direction, there is no life.

If winter comes, spring is far behind P B Shelley, British poet B if you doubt yourself, then you do stand on a shaky foundation. If you want to climb high, use your own legs. Don't let yourself go high.

Don't sit on other people's backs and heads. F W. Nietzsche, German philosopher.

It is at our mother's knee that we have acquired our noblest, truest and most noble things. However, Mark Twain's works have little money and no purpose in life. Just like sailing without a compass, Alexander Dumas Davy delapellettridge's ideal has illuminated my way and given me new courage to face it happily again and again Life has always been good beauty and truth.

Albert Einstein, an American scientist - the most important thing in life is to have a great purpose and determination. German poet and playwright John Wolfgang von Goethe German poet and playwright J M. a man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our suspicion of President Franklin Roosevelt today. When an end is legitimate and obligatory, the indispensable means are also legitimate. Abraham Lincoln was an American statesman.


不要因为一个失败而放弃你决心要达到的目的,威廉·莎士比亚,英国剧作家,不要放弃你的幻想,当幻想消失时,你可能仍然存在,但你已经不复存在了,马克·吐温美国作家・我想揭示自然的秘密,并将它们应用于人类的幸福,我不知道还有什么比这更好的服务在我们短暂的时间里,托马斯·爱迪生美国发明家T理想是没有理想的灯塔这里没有方向就没有安全的方向没有方向就没有生命如果冬天来临春天远远落后于P B Shelley英国诗人P B B如果你怀疑你自己,那么你确实站在一个摇摇欲坠的基础上剧作家,如果你想登上高处,那就用你自己的腿,不要让自己抬得高高的,不要坐在别人的背上和头上。尼采德国哲学家F W。正是在我们母亲的膝上,我们才获得了我们最高贵、最真诚、最崇高的东西,但美国作家马克·吐温的作品中很少有钱,生活没有目标就像航海没有罗盘亚历山大·杜马斯达维·德拉佩莱特瑞奇作家一个理想照亮了我的道路,一次又一次给了我新的勇气去愉快地面对生活一直是善良的美丽和真理阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的一位美国科学家——人生中最重要的事情是有一个伟大的目标和决心德国诗人和剧作家约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德德国诗人和剧作家J M一个有新想法的人在这个想法成功之前是个怪人。



Dear Li Hua, I heard recently that you were not admitted to the school of your dreams. I hope you don't get too depressed. You may not be able to enter the school you dream of, but it's no big deal.

Everyone will experience failure, but everyone will fail at different stages of life. Failure is the condiment of success - Truman, if you have never failed before, how can you enjoy the fruits of your labor? Your success, complete failure is temporary, what you get from failure is promising, success is stumbling from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm - Winston Churchill, please don't give up your family, friends, peers If you need a shoulder, a hug or a word of encouragement, I will always be with you, your friend,.




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