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关于”我对毕加索“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:I love Picasso。以下是关于我对毕加索的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I love Picasso

From the first day of my birth to now, many people are helping me and playing an important role in my life. But for me, my father is the most important person in my life. My father is a kind but strict person.

He always smiles at me and spends a lot of time with me. We can talk about many things, but we are friends. Sometimes he is a father If I did something wrong, he would point it out directly and ask me not to do it again.

Or, when I was in trouble, he was the first person to help and encourage me. He always told me, no matter how bad the situation is, don't give up and have a good wish for the future. I love my father, my friend.




Picasso, a Spanish painter and sculptor, is the founder of modern art. His main representative work of Western modernist painting, the Avignon girl, is the earliest work with Cubism tendency. It is a famous landmark masterpiece.

It not only marks a major turning point in Picasso's personal art history, but also a revolution in the history of modern western art The breakthrough of fate led to the birth of Cubism movement. Ten years later, French Cubism painting got unprecedented development. Even the "Avignon girl", which spread to ballet, stage design, literature, music and other fields, created a new situation of French cubism.

Picasso and Blake became the main characters of this painting.




For months, I had been hinting that I needed a new wedding ring because I was allergic to gold on my birthday, and I was gardening, and my husband asked me for gift suggestions. I raised my hand and said, "well, you'll notice that my hands are bare." that night, I opened the gift with enthusiasm and said, "happy birthday." I opened a new pair of gardening gloves.




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