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关于”维密秀“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Weimi show。以下是关于维密秀的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Weimi show

The Victoria Secret Fashion Show has become one of the most popular fashion shows in the year of global attention. The public are very excited to witness these gorgeous supermodels walking on the catwalk. However, this year, a model fell down on the show, which is unprecedented before.

On such a large stage, every model has prepared for a long time because they want to show their best State, and their every second on the runway is limited, so they are not allowed to make mistakes, but even the perfect plan can lose control. Sometimes a Chinese model makes the biggest mistake in her career when she falls down. She struggles to stand up and continues to walk the rest of the stage.

Although she had apologized when she left the stage, many fans criticized her feeling at home, which was a great shame, many audiences questioned her career, they thought that she had not done her job well in the past days, all these rumors will destroy a person, and if she can persist, she will become stronger.




Nowadays, many people like to watch live performances. Every night, they will stay at home to watch the competition. Song competition programs such as the voice of China and sing my song are very popular.

I like to watch the latter sing my songs to show people's creativity. They need to sing their own songs. I appreciate that they put creativity first in China's education slogan.

The slogan is education The reason why I like to perform "sing my song" is that I see people's creativity. They can write songs by themselves. Their ability is so amazing.

Creativity is more important than following. Creation makes us different. We will always think of great men.

They are famous for their inventions. They have created new things and surpassed the former ones People, they have made great contributions to society, and their success proves their importance of creativity.




Winnie the Pooh is a cute little bear. It's a chubby little bear with yellow fluff. It's about inches tall.

He's wearing an old red T-shirt. He lives in Ashton forest, Acer Wood West, in the hollow walnut tree, Christopher Robin is his best friend. She loves honey very much.

She often finds honey to fill in the rumble of his little brother. His favorite proverbs are "Oh, please" and "think, think, think." this is Winnie the bear, a lovely cerebellar bear.


小熊维尼是一只可爱的小熊它是一只有黄色绒毛的圆胖小熊它大约有英寸高穿着一件红色的旧T恤住在阿什敦森林,Acer Wood西部,在空心的胡桃树上,克里斯托弗·罗宾是他最好的朋友她非常喜欢吃蜂蜜她经常找蜂蜜来填补他的小弟弟的隆隆声他最喜欢的谚语是“哦,麻烦了”和“想,想,想”这是小熊维尼,一只可爱的小脑熊。


标签: 小学 英文 作文 万能

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