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关于”描述我的房子“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Describe my house。以下是关于描述我的房子的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe my house

We've just moved into a new apartment, and like most people in the suburbs, our house is big, though it's only two stories. On the first floor there are dining rooms, rest rooms or living rooms, kitchens and lobbies. We have a hat rack, overcoats and umbrellas in the hall.

From the hall to the stair landing on the second floor, there are four bedrooms, a bathroom and a bathroom. In front of the house, we have a small garden. We grow flowers: roses, tulips and some fruit trees.

There is also a vegetable garden where we grow all kinds of vegetables, such as cabbage, cauliflower and saffron We all know how to grow persimmon. My father used to be a vegetable farmer. There is a garage next to the house.

We don't have a car yet. But my moth said: we will have one by the end of this year. In this city with high consumption, people are very rich, unlike the people in the mainland and in the city.




Tom How olivo built the house that changed his life - a window and named the mountains the three windows under the cathedral ceiling through the kitchen windows, the Galatin mountains, the snow capped Briggs, and miles of view from the Jacuzzi in the master bedroom. For the tobacco root mountains, the restaurant overlooks the Madison mountains "If I take it for granted, I have a problem," olivo said, adding that he occasionally pinched himself by the neck to make sure he wasn't just a visionary imagining himself in a giant bowl on the edge of the Bozeman mountains, the four-year-old house on Mount olivo, which sits at the foot of the mountain five feet above sea level, east of the bowl Olivo watched the propeller plane hover and land in a private place, the runway and the coming storm swept across the continental divide. A neighboring farmer's wheat is scattered like a huge quilt, just a few feet away from his bedroom, but what's better than the view is what attracts olivo to the area: Salmon Fishing in the valley, where there's plenty of spring water.

Bozeman is the flying fish capital of the United States, and by the end of August, it has become the fly capital of the United States, Oliver in this year Li has already stepped into his wader. He has not retired, but his determination and shrewdness are enough to arouse the dream of almost every entrepreneur, raise children, and live a good life all the year round in a scenic spot far away from the noisy crowd.


Tom Olivo如何建造改变了他生活的房子一扇窗户并将山脉命名为大教堂天花板下的三层窗户大教堂天花板下的三层窗户通过厨房窗户盖拉廷山脉白雪皑皑的布里杰山脉隐约可见,从主卧室的按摩浴缸向后仰看,景色绵延数英里对于烟草根山脉,餐厅可以俯瞰麦迪逊山脉和阿布萨罗卡山脉的熊齿山脉,“如果我认为这是理所当然的,我一定有问题,”奥利沃说,他补充说,他偶尔会掐自己的脖子,以确保自己不仅仅是想象自己在波兹曼山边的巨型碗里的幻想家,奥里沃山上有xx年历史的房子坐落在海拔5英尺的山脚上,在碗的东边,奥利沃俯视着螺旋桨飞机盘旋着降落在一个私人的地方飞机跑道和即将来临的风暴席卷大陆分水岭,惊天动地。一个邻近的农场主的小麦像一个巨大的棉被一样散布在大地上,离他的卧室只有几英尺远,但比景色更好的是吸引奥利沃来到这一地区的原因:鲑鱼在山谷中垂钓,那里有着充足的泉水波兹曼是美国飞鱼之都,xx月底,它已经成为美国的飞蝇之都了,奥利弗在这xx年里已经踏进了他的涉水者,他还没有退休,只是决心和精明足以勾起几乎每一个企业家的梦想,养儿育女,xx年四季过上美好的生活在一个远离喧闹人群的风景区。


The house is made of concrete, built in the last center, surrounded by a red roof and large bright windows, two chimneys, one in the front hall and the other in the back, because it was built a long time ago. Outside the house, there is a small garden with ivy on the walls. The owner grows many flowers and vegetables.

There is a blue one around the house Small fence.




标签: 高三 英文 作文 真题

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