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关于”我喜欢的季节“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:I like the season。以下是关于我喜欢的季节的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I like the season

Are you happy? Do you remember when you were happy? You were looking for happiness? Today, many people are looking for various sources of happiness for them. Some people put their heart and effort into their work. Too many people turn to drugs and alcohol.

Countless people look for happiness in expensive cars and exotic vacation houses. Most of their efforts come from other popular toys A common fact: people are looking for lasting sources of happiness. Unfortunately, I believe happiness eludes many people because they misunderstand the process and journey of finding happiness.

I've heard a lot of people say, "I'll be happy when I get a new promotion" or "I'll be happy when I get a new promotion" or "I'll be happy when I get a new promotion." this idea is dangerous, because it assumes that happiness is a "response" to having, being, or doing something in life. We all experience stimulation and response stimulation, which is when a dog barks at you and exposes its teeth, that your heart beats faster You are going to run today. Some people think that expensive cars are a response to stimulating happiness.

A high salary job stimulates happiness. Love relationship stimulates happiness. This belief makes us think and feel: "I will be happy." this is my discovery.

In fact, on the contrary, I believe that happiness is a stimulus and response is life To those who are really happy, when we are happy, we tend to achieve greater success in our work. People want to be with us and enjoy a loving relationship.




2:,I like spring. Spring is neither cold nor hot, but warmer than the other three seasons. When spring comes, it begins to rain.

All the living things come to the trees. The grass is green. There are birds flying around happily.

Some birds soon sing beautiful songs on the trees. Beautiful flowers are in full bloom. We have colorful scenery from here to there in spring.

People take off their heavy clothes and enjoy the warmth in the sun. Children can play games outdoors, they can spend their good time carefree.





3:我喜欢的季节,(my favorite season) Hello, everyone. I'm a happy angel. Which season do you like best? Spring and summer, long day and short night, sun rises early and late spring often blows.

April and may are always hot in June. July and August are sunny every day. I don't like autumn and winter, short days and long nights.

The sun rises and sets late. Autumn is always warm in September and October, cold in November and sometimes in winter It's rainy. It's cold in December.

It snows sometimes in January and February. I like sunny weather because there are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is bright.




标签: 英文 三年级 作文 大全 满分

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