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关于”玩手机的危害“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Harm of playing mobile phone。以下是关于玩手机的危害的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Harm of playing mobile phone

The harm of playing with mobile phones on the road well, what I can think of is that it is very dangerous, although you will think that you will still pay attention to the traffic while playing with your mobile phone and walking on the road. Maybe you will not notice your mother's warning of "be careful of traffic, don't play mobile phone on the road" when you leave.




As we all know, mobile phones do great harm to people's health. There is a lot of evidence to prove this: on the one hand, mobile phones will not only hurt your eyes and shorten your eyesight, but also scientists have proved that mobile phones can affect your brain. Overuse of mobile phones is a waste of time and will make you addicted.

Moreover, mobile phones will spread some false information to deceive you, This is a waste of energy and money, so only when we face this problem seriously can we avoid its consequences tsfafhtp://zhidaobaiducom/question/html.




Today, with the development of high technology, we can get access to all kinds of high-tech products, such as computers, digital cameras, etc. these products make our life more convenient. We can keep in touch with our family and friends at any time.

No matter when and where our life is changed by high technology, we live in a fast-paced world, and mobile phones deeply affect our lives Everyone has it, and mobile phones first bring a lot of risks. The radiation contained in mobile phones has harmed people's bodies. More and more people are dying of cancer.

The main reason is that high-tech products have radiated their bodies. In the long run, mobile phones are one of them. As long as we use them for the second time, mobile phones will hurt our bodies It will distract our attention to find the beauty of life.

People pay attention to mobile phones. They rely on it by reading news and making friends. We should use mobile phones correctly.




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