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关于”星期一的课和感受“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Lessons and feelings on Monday。以下是关于星期一的课和感受的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Lessons and feelings on Monday

My friend Lily had an early class from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Monday afternoon, and finally took a science course.

But because her home was far away from school, she went to school in a hurry after lunch. After school in the evening, she made an appointment with her friends to play basketball and basketball. She felt very tired, but she also had to finish her studies.

Today, she was busy all day, and he felt very unlucky.




The summer vacation is coming again. I'm glad that I can at least forget about the school for the time being, so as not to make a fool of myself in the whole summer vacation. I have made a plan first and how to spend it.

I think I should review what the teacher taught last semester, so that I can understand them better. Then I think I should take some exercise methods, such as walking, running, rowing, to keep my body strong. With such a good plan, I should make full use of my vacation time, because I live up to my plan a week ago aebhtp://wwwwohcom/a//htmlLast During the summer vacation, my family and I went to Qingdao by train.

There is always sunshine and fresh air, which makes us feel very comfortable. We went to the seaside. The sea was as blue as the sky.

It was a pleasure to bathe in the sun on the beach. I learned a lot. My little sister and I bought many interesting souvenirs here.

I plan to give them to my friends. We ate a lot of things there, such as fish, shrimp and so on. We live in a clean and tidy hotel.

The price is not as expensive as Qingdao. If I have a chance, I hope to come here again. It is a beautiful and interesting place.






In the short two-day holiday, my mother signed up for a one-on-one counseling class for me after seven classes, and I gained a lot. First of all, I have made the greatest progress in this part of the word, because as long as junior high school master the vocabulary, then other sentence patterns will become very simple. Last semester, there are more than one word in this English book, including people's names.

If you want to do all the words in the future, you can do it by yourself. English vocabulary is not so difficult to remember. According to the pronunciation, you can spell the letter.

Second, my sentence pattern is also gradually changing. For example, when you change "let" into a general question sentence, add the verb "be" before it and add it at the beginning of the sentence "T" or "where", the verb be is actually in the middle. I don't have many sentence patterns in one or two days.

It's like a fish and a bear's paw. This is my pronunciation. Although I can read a lot of pronunciation, there are still some words I can't master very well.

I call them "obstinate words", and then write them down one by one, and then improve them one by one until I can recite them. I can read and dictate the fourth one. This is grammar.

In fact, I learn grammar relatively simple, but I don't think I can recite it. I find it It's very simple. Naturally, I've learned it successfully.

So, generally speaking, English is not difficult at all. As long as you master this method, you can certainly learn it.





标签: 初中 作文 万能

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