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关于”第一次做饭“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Cook for the first time。以下是关于第一次做饭的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cook for the first time

There are many first times in my life when I cook for the first time. With sadness, the first time is worth cherishing. I also have many firsts.

I took it to cook. I made a mess of my kitchen. "Oh, who's cooking today?" no one answered me.

I looked for it all over the house, and no one saw it. It was a piece of paper with a very casual word: "we don't want to go home at noon. You can eat it." I was silent for a while, and a word appeared on my head: "I can't cook." "master, master." my stomach began to complain.

I couldn't. I put my hand into a kitchen that made me uneasy. First, I opened the refrigerator, "what" eggs, cabbage and potatoes.

Today, I made a chicken egg, a Chinese cabbage fried rice, the first kind of egg mixture. To make cabbage, wash it first and then slowly "How can it be" varies in size, thick and broken. The Chinese cabbage drops an egg, which makes the place indifferent.

Filling up the stomach is the most important thing. If it is small enough, you can put eggs, stir fry, fry cabbage, continue to fry, add rice and then stir fry again. Put half a teaspoon of salt.

Turn it over. The color of applause can smell a little strange. If you don't eat, you can summon up courage Taste a little, a little salty, and lettuce mature taste, too oily summary, I just wait for my mother to come back to help me clean up the mess, help me to make some food, eat.




The first time I climbed the mountain last week, my class went to climb the mountain. This was the first time I thought it was easy to climb to the top of the mountain. With the help of my classmates, I found that I was wrong.

I was very happy to climb to the top of the mountain.




Once my mother was ill and I had to cook by myself. When I cook, I don't know how to make a fire, when to put the food in the pot, I have to call my grandmother. Finally, I gave the food to my mother.

My mother said with a smile that the taste of the food was very bad. I was very happy.




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