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关于”生活的启示“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Enlightenment of life。以下是关于生活的启示的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Enlightenment of life

Note: we are looking for a girl named Li Shan, a little girl who is fascinated by the toys in this store. Finally, she got lost. Her mother couldn't find her.

She was worried about her. We need your help. If you meet this kind of girl, please contact us.

Thank you.




2:人生启蒙,Vicky Baum's the lesson of the moon: when the moon is at its full circle, it begins to weaken, when it is the darkest, it begins to grow. Chinese proverb - there is a quiet wisdom in this ancient proverb. When I first heard it from a Buddhist monk in China, it often impressed me and helped me under pressure and difficulties, as well as when When some unexpected success or good luck may make me energetic, I have hope and comfort.

Even the darkest pain and trouble will not last, but also warn me not to overestimate the glory of wealth. Power and huge wealth are a kind of warning and hope not only for individuals, but also for governments, countries and their leaders, and for all history and human experience A brief summary can tell us that in addition to this, we can also hear the echo of law and order, keeping our universe in a safe balance.




3:生活的启示,A few years ago, when I attended a communication course, I went through a very unusual process. The teacher asked us to make a list of things we felt ashamed, guilty, regretted or incomplete in the past. He invited participants to read their lists aloud.

It seems to be a very private process, but there are always brave souls in the crowd who will do their best when people read their lists Wish you, my list grew longer in three weeks. There were some items on my list, and then the coach suggested that we find ways to make up for it, apologize to people, or take some action to correct any mistakes. I really wanted to know how this would improve my communication.

Next week, the man next to me raised his hand and volunteered to tell the story: "when I made my list, I remember a thing that happened in high school. I grew up in a small town in Iowa, and one night there was a sheriff in the town that neither of our children liked, me and my two After a few beers, my friend decided to play a trick on Sheriff Brown. We found a can of red paint, climbed up the high water tank in the middle of town, and wrote a letter in bright red on the tank: Sheriff Brown cried the next day, and the people in town saw our glorious sign in two hours.

Sheriff Brown asked me and my two friends in his office, my friend I lied, denied the truth that almost a few years later no one found out. Sheriff Brown's name appeared on my list. I didn't even know if he was alive last weekend.

I dialed the information about my hometown in Iowa. There was a Roger brown on the list. I rang a few times and dialed his number, and I heard, "Hello," I said, "Sheriff Brown ”Pause "yes." Okay, this is Jimmy Calkins, and I want you to know that I have a "pause." I know, "he yelled." we had a good laugh and a lively discussion.

His last words were, "Jimmy, I've always felt sorry for you because your friends have said it, and I know you've been carrying it for so many years, and I want to thank you for calling me for you." "Yell V sake n Jimmy inspired me to get everything straight. The items on my list took me nearly two years, but it became a springboard and a real inspiration for my career as a conflict mediator. No matter how difficult a conflict, crisis or situation may be, I always remember that it is never too late to clarify the past and start solving problems.



”“yell v sake n 吉米激励我把所有的事情都弄清楚我的清单上的项目花了我将近两年的时间,但它成为了我作为冲突调解人职业生涯的跳板和真正的灵感,无论冲突、危机或局势有多困难,我始终记得,澄清过去并开始解决问题永远不会太晚。


标签: 初一 作文 真题 美文 生活

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