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Dear XXX, on Christmas day, I will invite some of my good friends to a party in my house. There are western food and Chinese food at the party. If I have the honor to invite you to attend, I will be very glad that you can meet some of your old friends on that day.

At the same time, I will introduce some new friends to you. Your sincerity, ×××.




2:,Dear David, first of all, please allow me to express my heartfelt invitation to you, because the Spring Festival is coming soon. I sincerely invite you to come to China and spend it with messpring Festival. This festival is very important to Chinese people.

It has a long history. Chinese people attach great importance to this festival. To be exact, Spring Festival is the most important festival for China People are just like Christmas to Westerners.

If you come, I will accompany you to the amusement park, where you can have a close look at your Chinese tradition.




3:邀请函,Mr. and Mrs. John Smith asked J.

A. browns to attend the wedding of their daughter Elizabeth Smith and Mr. John Frederick Hamilton at

4:00 p.m.

on September 29, New York It is a great honor to invite their daughter RSVP R é pondez s'il vous plait. Please reply with regret. Address: XXX, July, CEO 30.

Vice president of sales XXXXXXXX company (address) we are very honored to invite you to visit XXX company located in (address) in August. This visit will provide you with an opportunity to better understand our marketing problems and exchange details about our future business cooperation. As one of your distributors in China, XXX company is promoting and selling your products We believe that this visit will be of great help to our future business cooperation.

Please use this invitation letter to apply for your visa in China. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. If you have any questions, please let me know your real situation at any time, vice president of sales of XXX company.


约翰·史密斯夫妇请求J A Brown夫妇出席他们的女儿伊丽莎白·史密斯与约翰·弗雷德里克·汉密尔顿先生的婚礼,xx月xx日下午非常荣幸的邀请他们的女儿RSVP Répondez s'il vous plait出席婚礼。请回复遗憾。


2、地址:xx月XXX,CEO XXX,销售副总裁XXXXXXXX公司(地址)我们非常荣幸地邀请您前来参观XXX公司位于(地址)xx月,这次访问将为您提供一个机会,让您更好地了解我们的市场营销问题,并详细交流我们未来的业务合作,XXX公司作为贵公司在中国的经销商之一,在推销和销售你们的产品方面取得了很大的进展,我们相信这次访问将对我们未来的业务合作有很大的帮助。



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